Monday, November 22, 2010

What A Weekend ~ Woo Hoo!!

My dear friends...

Can I just say thank you from the bottom of my heart for "
laying down tracks" through prayer as I headed to Knoxville, TN this past weekend?! Our God is so faithful ~ and He answered every single abundance! What an amazing, life changing, Truth filled weekend!! Woo Hoo!!

You may remember I was invited by Julie Sanders (from
Come, Have A Peace) to speak at 3 different events over three different days in Knoxville. What an awesome opportunity! And as Julie shared this morning, "Have you ever had one of those weekends when God's divine movement was clearly woven through the whole thing? Had one. Loved it. Full heart."

My thoughts exactly ~ God's fingerprints were everywhere! Again, thank you for praying! God was on display in our midst ~ big time!! I have so many fun stories to share...but for today I'll be brief. (When John and my kids get home, I've got some extra snuggling to do!).

Here is a quick photo recap....

Julie (in the center) and her sister Jenny (on the left ~ Jenny flew in from Virgina to spend the weekend with us! What fun!!). In the photo, Jenny and I are trying our first fried green tomatoes and grits. Yum! :)

Below: Here I am prayed up and ready to share my story (His story) of "Old to New" with the beautiful women from West Park Baptist Church. What a welcoming, warm, precious group of women! I feel like I made 250 new friends!

My favorite part of the weekend was meeting so many great women everywhere I went, loving on them, and hearing their stories.
In the photo below is my new friend Sandie. She was a great sport and allowed me to cover her with the "new" nametags from my message. (Thanks for letting me post this, Sandie!)

Another highlight was sharing part of the weekend with April from Barefoot Offering
. April drove in from Virginia to sit in the front row and pray. What a treasured friend (and boy did God have some fun plans for April over the weekend!)

Saturday morning I had the chance to share my story with the most beautiful group of women at the Serenity Shelter in Knoxville.

I met so many honest, vulnerable, authentic women. Loved it!! We all had a great cry together. In fact, (I've never had this happen before), one woman was crying so hard ~ I had to stop in the middle of my talk and just go hug her. It was a morning I will never, ever forget.

In the pic below, here are my two new friends, Linda and Vicki, who are amazing women of PRAYER!! :)

I wish I had pictures from Sunday morning. I enjoyed myself so much with the Rebuilders Sunday School class, I totally forgot about my camera! And it was such a blessing to worship with the West Park Baptist Church. What an awesome, welcoming, Christ-centered community. :)

Whew ~ what a weekend. I am humbled, blessed, exhausted, fired up, and GRATEFUL to the Lord for this special opportunity!

THANK YOU so much for sharing in this adventure through prayer! We could sense God's presence and His peace in such unbelievable ways! Hearts were open, ears were ready to hear, and eyes were ready to see Him. I was healthy, my breathing was good, and my family did well while I was away. Most importantly, the Word was shared, His Name was lifted high, and lives were touched for His Kingdom purposes. For His Glory alone! Woo Hoo!

Thanks so much for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Please know that on this Thanksgiving week, I am thanking God for you!!!

P.S. One last picture....the Sanders family (host family extraordinaire!) were kind enough to take my to a restaurant I had only heard about....until this weekend!
Thanks, Jacob, Jeff, JoHanna and Julie for a delicious Chick-fil-A dinner! Yum!! :)


  1. Thanks for sharing your busy weekend travels with pictures. I'm hoping that you tried the spicy chicken sandwich at Chick-fil-a...that's my new favorite!

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

  2. Cindy, dear Cindy, I feel so blessed to have been included in such an awesome weekend. God is so good! Thank you for being such a great testimony of God's love to me. Miss you and love you, Jenny C.

  3. Hi! cindy so thankful for a great wk-end! God is so good! You Looked so pretty! and Girl; i just got excited reading this post! BTW~ on my post today I have a picture of my grands W/ the chick-fil-a mascot, a cow!! How funny is this?!! We went to Tyler,Texas,last Friday and did some shopping in the Mall and there he was! Their mascot walks up and down the mall, and usually hands out free vouchers for a sandwhich!How Fun:)~ anyway Praying that you have a great week, and a Blessed Holiday! To God Be the Glory! in all that we do and say:)

  4. Loved being part of something that was so obviously put together by the Lord ... from start to finish. What an AMAZING way to fill us up to overflowing with Thanks + giving. You recapped it so well ... I'm still just not sure where to begin. :) So thankful for our journey together.

  5. I would have loved to have been there. So glad you got to make the trip to Tennessee!

  6. I can honestly say, "Been there! Done that! Was blessed!"

    Well done good and faithful, one! How He delighted in you Friday, Saturday, and His Day! Applauding our Great God and a willing vessel!

    Thank you for letting me share in it! :)

  7. WOW!! It looks like you had such a wonderful time. It's such a blessing just to get connected with other women to fellowship and have fun, while representing God's Kingdom!! Blessings to you and thanks for sharing!!!

  8. Looks like a week-end I would have enjoyed sharing in. So glad you had this opportunity to "shine for the Lord."

  9. What lucky ladies in Tennessee this past weekend! You - and they - were in my prayers...I KNEW God was going to show up in a mighty, mighty way. He NEVER disappoints, ever!!

    And oh yeah, Chick-Fil-A is a fab way to end the trip! Yummy!
