Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Share Some Love & Random Updates!

Hey Friends!

Well, it's official ~ I have bronchitis. :(

I cleared my schedule this morning, called my dear mother-in-love for dinner help (you know I'm sick when the thought of making dinner makes me start crying) and went back to bed.

Don't like.

From my spot in "sick bay", I've been trying to look at the bright side of things today...

* I'm thankful for the chance to re-watch lots of my Beth Moore DVD's before
I put them on Craigslist

* I'm thankful for my friends & family who have left me phone/e-mail/FB messages of love and care

* I'm thankful for the chance to pray very specifically and uninterrupted for some exciting opportunities coming up...

(I'm heading to Knoxville, TN next weekend (woo hoo!!), and was just invited to teach a *Red hot* retreat this winter. Maybe you can join us??)

* And I'm thankful for the hope and peace that I have ~ knowing that God is in control, and that He is not surprised or alarmed that I have bronchitis. I can rest in His good plans...

What are you thankful for today?? :)

I'm also wondering....if you might have a minute to do me a favor??

I've been thinking and praying a lot this week for my cousin Chris May.

(Here's a pic of Chris from a few years ago with his mom, my amazing Aunt Debbie).

Chris is such a special young man, who unfortunately, ended up hanging out with the wrong kids and made some wrong choices, and has spent the last few years in jail.

Years ago, I had Chris spend some time with me in Michigan. He accepted Jesus as His Savior that spring, and has such amazing potential....but, like many of us, believes lies about his identity, and struggles to believe that there might be a plan or purpose for him...outside of being in jail.

The world screams, "Not wanted. no hope. no second chances. no job for you." ~ but that is not the Truth.

Chris' birthday is coming up on Monday, November 15th and I would just LOVE to overwhelm him with notes and cards of hope, encouragement, and Truth.

You know me...I just love to celebrate...and the thought of Chris spending his birthday alone is heartbreaking. I checked with my aunt, and she thought my idea would really help brighten Chris' day.

If you are interested/able, would you mind sending Chris a quick birthday card?

Chris May #54432
Hamilton County Jail
18102 Cumberland Road
Noblesville, IN 46060

Our family has been busy drawing pictures, and putting together little cards for him (I did learn the hard way I cannot send confetti to him ~ oops!). My kids love sending notes to Chris, and what a wonderful teaching opportunity to love on someone in Jesus Name.

Thanks for hearing my heart, my dear friends. My hope is to encourage and inspire YOU through *She Sparkles*, but I've really felt led to share this request with you.

I'll keep you posted (through my aunt) on Chris' response. May the Lord use this birthday to remind Chris that he does have purpose, that he is a new creation, and that God desires to redeem and restore all of the lost years. And may God surround Chris with words of Truth and hope during this difficult season.

I'm so thankful for His too??

Well I'd better head back to bed. I'm coughing like a crazy woman (and I've got more Beth Moore to watch!!) Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an amazing, joy-filled day!!

P.S. As I was going through all of my cards and letters from my cousin Chris (I've saved every one), here is a picture he drew for me from jail with a ball point pen. Awesome, isn't it?!


  1. Hi! cindy ok, i have had all my sweet friends praying for me for a week now! I have been very sick with the same thing! I am feeling much better today, throat still scratchy sounding, and still have a cough that sends me to the floor sometimes! I will pray for you!! and I will send a card to Chris, it thrills me to be able to do this!! Take Care and love and blessings for a speedy recovery:)!

  2. Sorry to hear that you aren't feeling well!! I will send Chris a card tomorrow!

  3. Wishing you blessings of good health and may you be "good as new" by next week-end.

    What a thoughtful act regarding your cousin. Just another way to minister to him.

    Blessings to you!

  4. Hey Cindy!
    So sorry you got Bronchitis. I just had that for the first time a couple of weeks ago... so not fun ;^D Get well soon sister!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I read this through Debbies post on facebook. I think that is a wonderful idea I had no idea of his situation. Its sad. he is my second cousin and I remember us as kids I haven't seen him in many years. I plan on sending him a card it would be nice to reconnect with family after all these years.

  7. I pray you are feeling good now my friend and I'm praying for Chris. A beautiful drawing he sent to you.

    My heart is full for many have ended up that way believing the lies of satan and this world BUT THERE IS ALWAYS HOPE IN CHRIST and it's not over yet for Chris!!!! Jesus has a plan for him and I'm excited for his future!!!

    While I'm late on this message I will still send a card to Chris and encourage him in the LORD.

    You have a loving heart my friend!
