Monday, November 15, 2010

Randomness & Reflections from a Hockey Mom :)

My son Jake, the goalie extraordinaire :)

If you're looking for family fun Thanksgiving ideas, be sure to check out my Thanksgiving Ideas from A to Z.

Hey friends!

Happy Monday to you!! I'm finally feeling much better ~ boy was I sicker than sick last week! THANK YOU for your notes, prayers, and care! You bless me! :)

I'm busy getting ready for our last Magnificent Monday Bible Study tonight ~ and then an exciting week as I prepare to share at West Park Baptist Church in Knoxville, TN this weekend! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to see what God is planning!! (If you live anywhere near Knoxville ~ I would love the chance to meet you!! Please come join the fun!)

And, my wouldn't believe what God has been up to while I've been flat on my back in bed! I have so many fun things to share!

I'll give you some clues ~ it has to do with going to Israel (yes, Israel ~ picture me doing the HAPPY DANCE!), my Redhot Bible study, and more!! Look for more fun updates in the days and weeks to come!! I'm so excited I could JUMP FOR JOY!

For today....I'd like to leave you with thoughts from a hockey mom (me!). I was delighted to get out of my sick bed this weekend (finally!) and cheer on my two favorite red-headed hockey players. (My Jake is goalie for his high school's Varsity team, and my little Benj is a Squirt this year). It made me think of thoughts I shared earlier last year...but still very true today.

Here are my reflections "From the Rink"...

I love every part of watching my boys play hockey! I love the thrill of the sport, cheering my boys on (except sometimes my husband says I get too!), encouraging the other team members, sharing the stands with my family, keeping warm with hot coffee, and just the overall JOY of it all!

Hockey is a great reminder to me of how I want to live my life!

I love watching how the hockey players keep an ear open to the voice of their coach. While the fans in the stands are yelling and screaming with all kinds of directions and instructions (Go! Move your feet! Get on the puck! Hustle!) ~ the hockey players skate with such focus and intensity, but are always listening for the voice of their coach. Always.
The coach has the big picture in mind (winning the game), so it's his job to tell the individual players what to do and when to do it.
And what do the hockey players do? Whatever the coach says ~ even if it doesn't make sense!

And have you ever watched how the hockey players change their line?! Amazing!

How do they know when it's their time to get off the ice? Or hop off the bench? The coach isn't yelling their names - he softly calls it, and the players follow his lead. It's a beautiful thing - to me, it's like poetry in motion, watching a well led team listen to their coach, obey his instructions, and follow his lead to victory!!

I want to live my life like an intensely focused hockey player!

I want to be in tune with my Coach. I want to follow Him wherever He calls me to go, whatever He calls me to do! No questions asked - just an absolute trust that my Coach knows what He is doing!

But I'll be honest...sometimes the voices of the folks in the stands distract me.

Don't get me wrong - the people in the stands are "for me" too - their plans can just be different than what my Coach has in mind. "Cindy, you should __________, or why don't you _________". And before I know it, I'm so busy looking to the stands for direction that I take my eyes off the puck, and whammo - score one for the other team!

I'm learning that true victory comes only from listening to the voice of my Coach and following His game plan! What a blessing to know that we are on a winning team (we know how this game ends!) ~ and that if we stay focused on Him - we are guaranteed VICTORY! :)

What about for you? Whose voice is loudest in your life these days?

Do you have folks in the stands shouting at you?

Are you looking to the stands for direction?

Is there noise or clutter robbing you of your focus?

Or do you hear the gentle, wise voice of your Coach calling your name? Follow His lead ~ He knows what He is doing!! :)

"My sheep listen to My voice: I know them, and they follow Me". John 10:27

Let's pray, shall we??...

O Lord, thank YOU that YOU always lead us to TRIUMPH in Christ! Thank YOU that we are on a VICTORIOUS team! Please give us FOCUS and CONFIDENCE and STRENGTH! And may YOUR VOICE always be LOUDEST in our LIVES! For Your Glory alone! Amen! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*! Have a wonderful, joy-filled life-giving week!!


  1. Great post!! Great analogy. Whose voice IS the loudest in my life????? Thanks! Bonni

  2. Sounds like you must be feeling better!

  3. What a fabulous post - I'm a hockey Grammy and it made absolute perfect sense to me as I sat here nodding my head in agreement!

    Cindy, I received a blessing in the mail...once again, thank you so very much for my copy of Between a Rock and Grace Place - I can't wait to dig in! And your sweet note blessed me twice and had me running for the tissue box. God love you, God bless you, God keep you. Always.


  4. You just gave me a dimension of hockey that - as much as I LOVE it - never occurred to me. Awesome. AWESOME!.
