Friday, November 5, 2010

Frazzle Free Christmas ~ and a Little Help from You (GIVEAWAY too)! :)

Thanks for all of your kind words re: my 1st Vlog! And your warm comments to my "videographer" and "prayer support person" made my girls' whole day! Thank you! I appreciate you all so much!! :)

Hey Friends! Happy Weekend to you!!

Anyone else having a hard time it is November already?! We even had *SNOW* here in Michigan yesterday! I guess it's time for me to realize that, yes, the countdown to Christmas has begun!

This year I'm committed to remaining "Frazzle Free" during the Christmas holiday!! I am determined to prepare, plan, pray, and stay focused on the True Meaning of the Season! Anyone with me?! :)

Recently I was introduced to the “8 Weeks to A Frazzle Free Christmas
” plan from Families With Purpose. (A huge thank you to Jen from Big Binder!).

Have you heard of this amazing plan?? It’s a day-by-day breakdown of what you need to do now so you can enjoy Christmas when it gets here. It is awesome!!

And depending on what works best for can print off the whole 8 Week Countdown, or receive daily or weekly to-do lists.
(Check it out for free here). It's not too late to jump in!! Frazzle Free here we come!! :)

This week is still part of Getting Organized for Christmas. And that includes thinking about Christmas Cards! Yippee! I love Christmas Cards! I love sending out notes to our friends all around the nation! And then we use the Christmas card pictures we receive to put into my prayer guide. What fun!

So imagine my delight when I was offered a chance to get this year’s cards from Shutterfly! In the past I've ordered pictures, calendars, mugs, and even photobooks from Shutterfly, and have been extremely pleased with their service, quality and care!

A friend recently took some new family pictures of us (thanks, Natasha) ~ so my life is getting less frazzled by the minute! Woo Hoo!

But here's where I need your help, dear friends! Did you know Shutterfly has over 700 holiday cards to chose from?! 700!! And for a girl that has a hard time making decisions...this is painful!

My neighbor Jill over @ the Diaper Diaries recently asked her friends to help. What a great idea!

So I thought maybe YOU could help me pick our Christmas card. Here are some of my favorites...

Love 2010

In His Name

Simply Joy

Christ Wishes

Elegant Cross

Ok, I'll stop with my Top 5....they are all so cute! I just can't decide!! What do you think?? I'd love to hear from you!!

And to help us all get into the Christmas spirit (and to encourage you to help me!), I'll have pick one blessed reader who shares her/his suggestion ~ and I'll send you Michael W. Smith's "It's A Wonderful Christmas". Woo Hoo!!

So here's to a Frazzle Free, joy-filled, peace-full, healthy, whole Christmas season for one and all!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! I thank God for you!!


This post is part of a series sponsored by Shutterfly. I am receiving 50 free photo cards for sharing, but all thoughts are completely mine.


  1. The Simple Joy is my absolute favorite! It's so fun and sparkles just like you! :)

  2. I can't pick between the cross and the love 2010 one! They're both so cute. Now I'm reconsidering my decision to not send out Christmas cards this year...

  3. Love 2010!

    Such a neat idea to say why you loved 2010!

  4. I really like "the reasons we love 2010" I like it's simple and sweet color/layout and that it allows you to list several things about your family adventures for the year. Definately more personal than the ones with several photos. Plus I have to admit that receiving photo perfect family cards often makes me cringe or feel more frustrated by my own imperfect family who can't usually seem to manage one good photo let alone 3 or more! LOL!

    I'm with you on the frazzel free Christmas. Last year I kept a journal to stay on track. I got shopping done before Thanksgiving day and made lots of time for prayer. I also said "no" to some things and a couple extra parties too. I wasn't being a scrooge, I was allowing for quiet time / down time to spend relaxing in the moments with my children. You know what? Not one of us felt like we missed out! It was simply the best Christmas I've had since becoming a mom.

    Best wishes on making the choice. I for one am looking forward to some quiet time at the coffee shop with my cards, envelopes and a nice smooth pen. {Better get that on the calendar too, cuz you're right November got here faster than expected!}

  5. Such pretty designs...I really liked Christ Wishes and Elegant Cross the best of them all!

  6. Love the "Love 2010". It looks great. You can write down all the blessings of the year and share them with your friends.

    Thanks for sharing the Frazzle Free Christmas, but now I'm feeling frazzled realizing that I'm behind.

  7. I love In His Name!

    I'm sure whatever you select will be just right for your precious family my friend!

    Hugs and blessings and I can't believe it's almost Thanksgiving and Christmas! This is my FAVORITE times of the years.

    I learned long ago not to let myself go with the frazzles of it. I really do slow down and just enjoy the LORD, family and friends. I had to make some adjustments 5 years ago to the "way I did Holidays" in order to do that but it's worth it.

    Love ya!

  8. popped in to steal that chicken chili recipe for this week :)

    I love the first one and the last one. You've got a lot going on over here!!


  9. I am so torn over here and I started with 10!! I love Love 2010 though. It might just spare me the Christmas letter.

  10. Thanks for pointing me to the 8 Weeks to a Frazzle Free Christmas - only problem.... I'm a few weeks behind! LOL!!

  11. If you're looking for a more Christmasy feel and look, I would go with either Love 2010 or Simply Joy!! Blessings to you!! Have a bless week!!!

  12. I think I like the I love 2010 too - it's really personal. And I'm so glad you like the Frazzle Free Christmas, isn't it fantastic?!

  13. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the one about why we love 2010! I think I will go order some myself! Also, I am on board with this Frazzle Free Christmas thing....thanks so much!

  14. I like the Christ Wishes because I like to send out cards that reflect the true reason for the season. However, I do love the Love 2010 card because it fulfills the card, photo and annual brag letter all in one.
