Friday, October 8, 2010

Do You Know Who I Am?? (& Giveaway)

Hey Friends!! Happy Friday to you!! Are you jumping for joy that the weekend is here?? :)

And thank you so much for your warm comments after I revealed my Red Hot secret! You guys are the best! :)

Years ago, when I an overwhelmed, exhausted mom with 4 young kids (3 in diapers), I came across the book Tender Mercy for a Mothers Soul by Angela Thomas. What a God send!

I carried that book with me everywhere....even my gym bag for awhile, and I would huff and puff on a treadmill while Angela's encouraging words washed over me!

I felt like I made a new friend as I read Angela's stories. She too was a mom with 4 young kids ~ and Angela had such a refreshing way of sharing her journey, her day-to-day family life, and her faith. Angela unknowingly helped me get through many challenging days on my early motherhood journey.

Since that time, I've had the chance to read a number of Angela's other books, including.....

* Do You Think I'm Beautiful (and the study guide)

* When Wallflowers Dance

*A Beautiful Offering: Returning Gods Love with Your Life (and the Bible study too!)

(I only wish Angela's single mom book had been written during the 6 years I was a single mom!)

I've truly enjoyed all of Angela Thomas' books. I feel like I am having coffee with a good friend and Angela is just sharing her hopes, her dreams, her fears, her insecurities. Angela has a very special, unique writing gift, and this summer I was also thrilled to hear her live at the Proverbs 31 She Speaks Conference. What a blessing! :)

So imagine my great surprise and delight when I recently received a request to GIVEAWAY Angela's latest book, Do You Know Who I Am??.

Of course my answer was YES!

"In her book Do You Know Who I Am? Angela Thomas asks God if He knows her—and ultimately does He love her—as she is, right now, today.

In each chapter, she names a different identity issue, such as: “I am invisible,” “I am worn out,” “I am undisciplined,” “I am ordinary,” and “I am afraid to dream.” With each honest admission, Angela teaches that God lovingly replies, “Yes, I know your heart. I see your struggle. Now…do you know who I AM?”

Ultimately Angela reveals that the secret to being known and loved lies in an intimate understanding of who God is. Each identity struggle is answered with a short biblical study on the character of God that assures readers that their personal, spiritual, and eternal fulfillment is not dependent on getting themselves together. Rather, God has a purpose for them just as they are—broken, afraid, disappointed, disillusioned...."

Not only is this book filled with biblical teaching and practical application, I appreciate Angela's authencity and transparency. For example, Angela shares her weight loss challenges, being barely able to fit into her wedding dress, and the journey she has been on
since becoming married (including gaining 25 pounds).

Angela also shares very openly about her insecurities, her longings, her desires, her brokenness. This is definitely a book all women can relate to! It's been a hard book to put down!

And don't just take my word for it! Since the book debuted this week on Amazon this week,....

It's Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars

And is rated # 2 in Books > Religion & Spirituality & #3 in Books > Health, Mind & Body > Self-Help > Self-Esteem

Woo Hoo!! Way to go, Angela!! :)

Dear friends, I would love, love, love to share a copy of this book with you!!

To Win my "Do You Know Who I Am?" Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win "Do You Know Who I Am??

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles*
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Friday, October 8th and ends Sunday, October 10th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog during the week of October 11th

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, joy-filled weekend!!

P.S. Disclosure of Material Connection: I was provided with a copy of the book in order to facilitate my review. As always, all opinions about the product are mine all mine.
I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”


  1. Cindy this is exciting. I've met Angela Thomas during a WOF conference 4 years ago. She is a lovely woman full of grace, just like you!

  2. It sounds like a book that would be awesome for me, where I am, right now. Great giveaway!

  3. Your comments about her and previous works were very exciting and interesting and made me want to read her books........the new book itself sounds like it would be so encouraging and address so much of where I am, what I am feeling's been a tough week and I really am needing some "Father love" I go to let Him hug on me a while.

    Would love to win the book.

  4. I have heard Angela speak twice, once on a Christian cruise my Sweet Hubby and I were on and then, just recently, at an Extraordinary Women conference. She is fabulous woman of God and I would love to read her book! Thank you for the opportunity!

  5. Good Morning Cindy! WoW! I love Angela Thomas! She has the most peaceful way about her when she shares Jesus! I went to a conference in Tyler, Tx last summer and saw her! She was awesome. Also the ladies ministry at our church has done 2 Bible studies of hers! I just really enjoyed all she has to share! I just so am into learning everything new God gives other to share. so this sounds like it is going to Bless Us! Thanks for the "little blessing" of a give-a-way! I do follow! Love your Blog!

  6. sounds like just what i need... i am trying so hard to grasp the Truth about how He does know my heart, my thoughts, my... everything!

    i follow you
    i subscribe
    i am your #1 cheerleader :0) you rock!
    love ya friend
    amy h.

  7. Cindy, Angela's book sounds awesome and I'd love to win it especially after you said in your review that she says "God has a purpose for them just as they are." This little phrase already speaks to me and I'd love to see the whole thing! Thanks for the giveaway and hope you're doing well. Love, Jenny C. email:

  8. I have recently started to follow yourt blog. I am also subscribed. I love getting notifications of new post. I am encouraged eveytime I read your blog. I love this giveaway, and would love this book. I am a mom of three. I stay at home with my kids and I often struggle with many of the issues she talks about in her book.

  9. OK I won from you recently so I am going to step aside and give someone else a chance.

    I just want to say that I just read your testimony. I hadn't read it - I subscribed to your RSS feed and rarely went over to your website but was poking around today because of some of the links in your post.

    Cindy, what an amazing testimony! WHAT COURAGE!! God Bless you!!!

  10. I'm too late to enter but that's ok, I just want to say I love that family photo!!!

    Angela sounds like a beautiful and encouraging person. I will look up her books for my adult daughter who is a Mommy to two baby girls.

    Hugs and blessings!

  11. oh, i wouldn't have made it through those early motherhood years without my "tender mercy for the mother's soul." i even lead a mommy's study on that book, and after that God lead me to mentor another newer mommy (and one of my old young life girls) with the book.

    this new book sounds wonderful. i bet i'd read it, then pass it on to my sister (a new mommy with two adopted little boys), struggling with many of the questions it appears she has written about.

    btw- you went to "she speaks!" that is something God is leading me to pursue going to. ahhh!

  12. Wow! Thank you! I always wanted to write in my site something like that. Can I take part of your post to my blog?.
