Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Please Pray!!!

Photo courtesy of the Grand Rapids Press

Hello dear Bloggy Friends ~

I need to interrupt my previously scheduled blog post and ask for your prayers.

I mentioned a few weeks ago there were suspicious garage fires in my neighborhood. So far this summer, 7 garages have caught fire. Praise the Lord no one has been hurt, but the situation obviously has placed a great deal of stress on the families in our quiet little neighborhood.

Last night, my husband John asked if I thought the fires were over. Thankfully, it had been 17 days without any fires. We both hoped (and prayed) the person(s) involved had come to their senses and this whole ordeal was behind us.

Imagine our shock when huge, loud fire trucks began covering our street at 2:30 AM this morning.

Yep - a new fire. This time FIVE houses down from where we live. (Yes, just 5 houses).

Praise the Lord, once again, no one was hurt. (Our friend was up reading in the night, heard a POP, noticed a "glow" across the street, ran and started banging on the door. The owner of the residence was home, but is safe). John joined many of our neighbors outside in the middle of the night as our road was filled with the bright lights of fire trucks, police cars, and neighbors with flash lights.

I don't think many of us got much sleep after the fire trucks pulled away.

Today at the bus stop, on the first day of school, rather than an excitement at the beginning of a new school season, the fires were the topic of conversation. One mom wondered if she should hang a sign on her garage letting "the person" know her 4 children are sleeping right above the garage. John and I wonder if we should sleep elsewhere (our master bedroom is right above our garage). We are practicing fire drills with our children and have safety ladders ready to put into position. We are taking prayer walks around our neighborhood, and many neighbors are sharing they are tense, afraid, and getting little to no sleep each night. We are desperate for Divine intervention.

Early this morning I began praying once again for a miracle. For this person to surrender TODAY, and to be placed where he/she cannot make these destructive choices anymore. For this whole mess to be OVER. For God to redeem all of this for His Kingdom purposes, and for our homes to be filled with peace, laughter, and nights of good rest.

Dear friends, would you please take a minute to pray for this situation? However God might lead you...but our little neighborhood is desperate for a mighty touch of the Father.

Thank you so very much! I look forward to sharing how God answers our prayers very soon!!

God's richest blessings to you~


  1. Just finished praying and will add this to my prayer list! So glad that technology has enabled us to communicate our needs to one another. May His peace remain in you throughout this scare!

  2. Oh, Cindy!
    I am praying Isa 32:18, "My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest."

    as well as many other things...oh my. Come, Lord Jesus, come!
    Please keep us updated.

  3. Hi! Cindy, I am praying now as we speak! Father I bring Cindy's neighborhood to you this very minute! Father you know the "Fear" that these Families are going through, and I bring the one that is doing these evil acts upon this place: Lord that you would convict and cause them to surrender. Father that you would move in quickly and bring this neighborhood Peace! I ask for Peace and Protection over them now! In Jesus Name. Amen
    (On a recent post I wrote on miracles, and I just Trust Him Now that He will perform one in this situation! Will be Praying! Thank You!Jesus' for Answering Prayer.

  4. I just asked my husband Sunday if they caught this person yet or if there had been any other fires. He watches the news more than I do.

    We pray this person will surrender or get caught before any more fires.

  5. Dearest friend,

    I'm first giving GOD all thanks for the safety of every person...

    I'm also praying for GODLY JUSTICE...that the person(s) would be brought to justice swiftly in the NAME OF JESUS!!! That there hearts would then be humbled and they would repent of their sins and give their lives over to Jesus Christ. I pray that they will also have the opportunity to do SERVICE for the entire community for all that they have put people through.

    I'm praying also for you and the neighborhoods safety...

    Much love to you!!

  6. What a nightmare....Praying this minute...that the person be caught today...

  7. This is terrible! I will be praying for you and the other families in your neighborhood!

  8. How horrible to have to live with that fear! I have prayed for you and will continue to pray.

  9. Cindy, Would love to walk around the neighborhood and pray with you. {you, Irene and I want to walk anyway - may as well pray girl!} Let me know what times/days work best for you. Evenings are best for me and Irene ... but let us know what works for you too.

  10. It is so terrifying!! And I must admit, it was scary before, but now that he has "turned the corner" it is just getting way to close for comfort. We sleep above the garage as well. It is so incredibly disturbing.

  11. Oh my! I can only imagine! How terribly, terribly awful. Praying for you and your whole neighborhood now and will each time I'm up with the baby tonight.

  12. Hi Cindy, I am agreeing with you and your family in prayer. I pray God's divine protection over your family and your neighbors. I pray for peace and rest during this time of turmoil. I pray the person responsible is brought to justice soon.
    May the Lord bless you and keep you always ♥!

  13. Cindy, will be praying for you and your family. I am wondering how your children are doing? It must be frightening to them and their tender little hearts--even for a teenager. Praying for peace and safety and this person to get the help they need.

  14. I sure will pray for you. I have a similar situation in my neighborhood. Except or problem is guns. Someone has been coming by, at night targeting the neighbors cars. Last week, I got so scared, because I was sleeping and heard the gun shots. Fear came over me, because my brother had left to gym and he comes in at around that time. Thank God my brother had just left the gym when that happened.

  15. Cindy I stopped and prayed as soon as I read this. I prayed for safety for you, your home and the people and homes in your neighborhood. (And other neighborhoods too)

    Hoping and praying this person will be caught or surrender.

    It seems to me that there are so many random acts of violence these days...and Satan is out to destroy our peace.

    God is in control! We need to trust and never doubt Him. And it is a duty and a great privilege to pray for people in need.

