Monday, August 9, 2010

Marriage Mondays: Our Anniversary Getaway!

Hi Friends!! Welcome to Marriage Monday! My dear friend Julie from Come Have A Peace takes time each Monday to share Marriage encouragement, and I'm pleased to join in the fun today!

If you knew a couple getting married and wanted to pass along a "nugget of wisdom" with them, what would you suggest??

One of the best pieces of advice John and I received was the idea of mini couple getaways, or what we refer to as "mini-moons" (get honeymoon, but just "moon" ~ smile).

Our wonderful marriage mentors suggested that John and I take time away once each season to reconnect, enjoy each other's company, have fun, and relax. We've graciously accepted the challenge! And whereas we've not been perfect at getting away once a season, John and I have been intentional about going on "mini-moons" as often as we can ~ especially to celebrate our Anniversaries!

This past weekend, we enjoyed a special Anniversary "mini-moon" to....(any guesses??)

Port Washington, Wisconsin! Port Washington is a tiny little town (Population: less than 12,000), north of Milwaukee, located right on Lake Michigan. John loves the water, so I tried to become a "boat girl" for the weekend. (I gave it my best shot anyway!)
First we headed on the Lake Express Ferry, leaving from Muskegon, Michigan to Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Have you been on the Lake Express ferry before? It's the craziest thing ~ you can drive your car right on the ferry! John and I opted to rent a car in Wisconsin, but it was quite the adventure riding on the Lake Express across the big Lake!

Although I'm smiling in the picture above (kind of) ~ I found I can't hide sea-sickness very well. I spent most of the ride on the back of the boat with saltine crackers ~ praying the ride would be over!
Once we made it to Wisconsin, we did have a fun time exploring Milwaukee!

And the Port Washington Inn Bed and Breakfast where we stayed was delightful! The views of the lake from Port Washington are beautiful ~ even for a non lake girl like me!

John and I have both enjoyed our Mini-moons over the past 10 years of marriage! A special thank you to our marriage mentors, Doug and Judie Childress, for giving us the challenge many years ago!

What about for you?? What's the best nuggest of marriage wisdom you've received?? I'd love to hear from you!! And for more Marriage encouragement, be sure to check out fabulous tips here.

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have a wonderful, joy-filled day!!


  1. Hi Cindy - Enjoyed your blog today. Love the idea of taking a little getaway every season. Glad you enjoyed She Speaks, too - it's awesome, isn't it?
    I was wondering if you have your ABC verses typed out and could you post the whole thing or send to me. I would love to do that with my family.

  2. Cindy, I'm so glad you and John enjoyed your mini-moon :-) I loved your pics! Blessings to you, Jenny C.

  3. Oh, sea sickness is just about the worse. My Hubby can hardly ride in a fishing boat. :o) We've just celebrated 39 years and time just for the two of us has always been important. All couples need it. Thanks for a great entry. Blessings!

  4. Hi Cindy, Looks like ya'll had a great time :) My husband and I plan regular date nights at least once a week. We may only go get ice cream but at least it is a little alone time from the kiddos.
    Have a great week!

  5. We LOVE Port Washington. There is another little town just north of it we love too, but the name escapes me. I am going to have to ask the hubby. YAY for minimoons!!
