Thursday, June 10, 2010

Things I Love Thursday ~ Seeds Family Worship

Hey Friends! Happy Thursday to you! Today I'm thrilled to join Jill (my friend and neighbor from The Diaper Diaries) in Things I Love Thursday!

There are many things that I love...God's Word being right at the top of the list! And as you know, I'm always looking for new and creative ways to fill my heart and head with God's Truth.

As we head into summer, I've been busy putting together a Scripture Memory plan for my kids (and myself too!). I'm not above bribing ~ so I told the gang if they can memorize 12 new verses this summer (one per week) the end of August I'd take them to Great Wolf Lodge. Of course, they were totally excited about this idea! We'll see how it goes! :)

One awesome Scripture memory resource that I came across years ago (back when I was Children's Director at Mars Hill Bible Church) was Seeds Family Worship CD's. Seeds does an excellent job of creating amazing songs to help scripture memory simple (as my kids would say "easey, peasy...") and very kid-friendly. Don't just take my word for it, take a listen....

(P.S. Warning ~ you will have this Scripture verse stuck in your head the rest of the day! But that's a good thing!)

Want to hear more?? Click here for more song samples! While you are on the Seeds website, be sure to check out the Family Worship Ideas, Memory Verse Cards, Parent Resources, and more!!

And guess what?? The amazing folks from Seeds Family Worship have given me 5 Seeds Worship CD's to give away to you!!! 5 Cd's = 5 blessed winners!! Woo Hoo!!

To Win my Seeds Family Worship CD Giveaway: Please leave a comment in the comment section answering the following questions:

Why would you like to win one of the Seeds Family Worship CD's?

Extra Entries:

•Follow *She Sparkles* via Google Friends Connect
•Subscribe to *She Sparkles*
•Mention the giveaway on Facebook
•Add my *She Sparkles* button to your blog
•Tweet about this giveaway including a link to this post

Please be sure to leave me a comment to let me know your extra entries.

RULES: Starts today, Thursday, June 10th and ends Monday, June 14th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Tuesday, June 15tth.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May the Lord bless you with an abundance of His love, joy, and peace today!!!

P.S. Remember how I shared I'm working on a personal Scripture memorizing plan for myself also?? Well, the team at Seeds has a list of 55 powerful verses to memorize (click here).

Many of the verses I know, but my goal is to know the whole list by end of August. Anyone want to join with me on this challenge?? I love having fun challenges, and I especially enjoy having accountability and partners! Can I count you in??


  1. we currently have family devotion and this would be great item to add to our resources

  2. Macy and I just went to Family yesterday to get the Seeds CD for Worshiping Wednesday! We scoured the kids section but couldn't find the CD. It was a little busy when we were in there and we were late for the first grade picnic at school so we left. Since it's "family worship" I bet it's in the regular music! We would love to be entered in the drawing! I'm listening to it now from your link and loving it!

  3. Hi Cindy,
    My kids and I really enjoy the seeds CD's, and yes the songs get stuck in my head as well (good thing!). I really like it when my kid start to sing them. Thanks for passing this onto us! (And I am really glad you are posting more frequently! :) )

  4. I would LOVE to win this for me and my family! Sadly, I have low ambition and motivation these days so catchy tunes is pretty much the only way any of us will learn scriture verses. We're in the car a lot so we'd have lots of time to listen and learn. Thanks for the chance! shannonhowl (at) yahoo (dot) com

  5. I would love these for my kids. I have 7 kids, grouped together by "olders"(24-17) and "youngers"
    (12-6). I try so hard to remember what I used with the older kids to make scripture memory fun and interesting. Then when I remember I think: "Eww, that was boring! Sorry kids:(" I LOVE Seeds Family Worship CDs!! Mom will love these maybe more than the kids to help ME remember scipture!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Dear Cindy,

    My daughter, plays the CD’s in her van every day for all of her children. I love to hear them sing. She has three children ages 1,2, and 3. This is a heavy load for her. She is a beautiful Christian. Her son before he goes to sleep always sings. There is no greater joy for this Grandmother’s heart! I would love to hear the kids singing verses! Most of the tapes she plays are Christian music, but how much better could it be to share the Word of God! I love you Cindy! I can’t wait for the next Bible Study with Beth Moore. I am going to try and bring my mother along next time.



  8. Please, please, please. Ever since seeing the chipmonk squeakqual, my very musical son will not stop singing "all the single ladies" by Beyonce. I need to get her out of his head and God back in. Also, we are going through some difficult times right now and Psalm 55:22 was just what I needed. Thanks for always putting some 'sparkle' in my day by reminding me to just "LOOK UP!!"

  9. I'd love to win this because it's far better to have scripture running through your head than other music!

  10. If I won, I would play this in the mornings as I am waking up and preparing my heart for morning devotions.

    homemakerhoney @ gmail . com

  11. We finished Awana about a month ago so we need some new verses to learn...the CDs will be a fun way to learn:)

    Angie Ohlman

  12. I would love to have one of the cd's, as I have 2 little ones, ages 2 and 6 months. My two year old is getting excited about music and singing along, and I would love to have him sing the Word of God! It would be great for me to memorize scripture as well. Just found your blog! I love it!

  13. I already have these CDs, but just wanted to add how much I love them.
    They're awesome!

    Emily/Miss Mommy (TILT)
