Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ordinary Tuesday's (& some really Great News!)

I recently came across this quote in a parenting magazine...

"The best bit of wisdom I received from my mother was really quite simple: children need ordinary Tuesdays....."

This quote made me think...Am I giving my children ordinary Tuesdays?? What does an ordinary Tuesday look like for us?? What are the everyday activities that form our simple little life?

So here's a sneak peek into our Ordinary Tuesday today...

1. I went to my daughter Sarah's Kindergarten Reader's Theater at school.

2. John and I enjoyed lunch together at the Omlette Shoppe. We went to celebrate his....(drum roll please)....NEW JOB!! Praise the Lord!!

Starting next week, John will be the Controller at Railside Golf Course here in Grand Rapids, Michigan. We are thrilled about this new opportunity!!

(Thank you, dear bloggy friends, for your faithful prayer support and encouragement on this journey! What a blessing!)

3. After lunch, John spent the afternoon cutting down trees!

I'm not kidding! Even in the rain, he cut down two trees in our yard, pulled out a whole section of bushes, spread new mulch, and so much more!

I decided I'd better get out of his way!

4. So...I spent the afternoon at the bookstore working on my book proposal!

5. After school, I took Benj & Amanda to gymnastics.

6. And lastly, I brought home pizza for dinner!

So there's a "sneak peek" into our ordinary Tuesday....although I must admit ~ I have a hard time thinking any day is "ordinary". You know me...any ordinary day is an opportunity to celebrate our extraordinary God and the gift of life He's given to us!!

What does an ordinary Tuesday look like for you?? How did you spend your day?? I hope it was Terrific!! :)

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. May God bless you with a fresh measure of His love, joy and peace!!


  1. Yay!! Congratulations to your husband - that is fantastic!!

  2. Oh, I am so HAPPY to hear about the new job!! I love when good things happen!!

  3. Congratulations to your husband on the new job! Thank you for sharing your Tuesday with me!

  4. I'm doing the happy dance for your hubby. Praise God!

  5. Wonderful news!! Answer to prayer!! My ordinary Tuesday included Bible study, prayer, newspaper delivery, bill paying, correspondence, spaghetti dinner (my 17 year old son's favorite and the weather seemed very conducive to it), phone conversations with adult son and daughter and then a little reading before bedtime....oops, should have been some house cleaning in there---but there is always tomorrow ;-)!

  6. Thank you Lord!!!! Cindy, I'm so thrilled for you guys :-) I hope John ends up loving his new job and that you all are greatly blessed!!! This is a great day! Love, Jenny C.

  7. Nice to see new pics of you and your family! Glad to hear things are going so ordinarally well :)

    Hope the book thing goes well and yea! for the new job! It was fun to see what a day in the life of Cindy is like!

  8. Congratulations on the new Job!!!! God has blessed you with an ordinary life and a new job!!! Enjoy it all!

  9. OMGoodness! Can you believe that post made me cry? I think I felt the love. Simply beautiful. It is true...God uses ordinary people. I am rejoicing with you about your husband's new job...especially after I experienced that for almost one year with mine..who is now employed as well..Praise the Lord.
    Just a beautiful post about an ordianry Tuesday.
    Thanks for sharing.
