Sunday, June 27, 2010

Monday's with Beth ~ coming SOON!

Hey Friends! I made it home from my Speaker's Conference! Woo Hoo! I can't wait to fill you in on the AMAZING time I had and some of the awesome friends I met! Thank you so much for your kind words, encouragement, and prayer as I was preparing! I promise to share more later this week!!
For today, I must fill you in on our Summer Bible Study that starts Monday, June 28th!! Yippee! I can't wait!!

First, some fun history..... In 2006, my best friend Julie and I led a Bible study in her home. There were 12 of us that journeyed together that summer. Here's the original gang...

Soon the group began to grow and grow! We moved from Julie's living room to her basement. A dear woman named Mary Swierenga (an amazing prayer warrior and Bible teacher) began to mentor us. The group GREW AND GREW....

Julie sensed we should move to a location where even more women could come and join us! She went to the leaders of her church (Sunshine Church), and they graciously embraced the idea of hosting this gathering of women.
I stepped in as the Bible teacher. The first season, winter 2009, the group grew to 40 women. I loved it! I was in my "sweet spot".

(Here's a fun picture from when they surprised me on my birthday....)

Since that time, the group has continued to GROW!! Women bring friends who bring friends who bring friends! All different churches, all different ages, all different stages of life! Last spring, we outgrew our meeting space and began gathering in Sunshine's main auditorium. Woo Hoo!! Over the years, one thing has stayed the same ~ our commitment to providing a welcoming, safe, and fun place to learn more about Jesus and His great love for us!!

This summer, we are switching from our "normal" routine and hosting "Monday's with Beth". We have powerful teachings from one of our all-time favorite Bible teachers, Beth Moore, and can't wait to share them with you!!

Monday’s with Beth is definitely something you will want to invite your friends, neighbors, and co-workers to! We have a variety of special surprises planned this summer ~ testimonies, live worship, etc.. The teachings are all 1 hour in length, and then we’ll have time for food & fellowship cream sundae bar the first week!! Yum!!

Whether you are a new believer, have been studying the Bible your whole life, or still trying to figure this whole "Jesus thing" out ~ we would love to have you join us! We'll start each week at 7:00 PM in the Sunshine Sanctuary. Come as you are, bring your Bible, and sit back and get ready to dig deep in the Word. No homework. No cost. Regardless of your church home, all women are welcome!!

Feel free to contact me at if you have any questions! Tomorrow we'll be learning about "The Captivity of Activity". Here's a sneak peek of a little Beth....

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*. Have an AMAZING, joy-filled week!!

P.S. Monday's with Beth will meet 4 Monday's this summer ~ June 28th, & July 12, 19, and 26th. The teachings do not build on one another ~ so come to any or all that work for your schedule! We would love to meet YOU!!!


  1. Hey Cindy! Thanks so much for sharing this clip. Her message really blessed me.

    Too bad I do not live closer I would loved to be a part of this ministry!
    Take care!

  2. This Ohio State Buckeye wishes she could live in Michigan for a short time to be a part of this! (Don't tell my family:)
    Suzanne from Ohio!

  3. Exciting, Cindy! I'm so glad for you and the gals who will be at the Monday nights. Can't wait to hear about the conference!

  4. Not only am I jealous that you live in "Dutch" Central. I'm jealous that I can't join you. I hope everyone has fun and enjoy the sundaes.
