Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Fun Surprise ~ and a little help from YOU!!

Hey Friends!

I just love fun, encouraging surprises...don't you?! :)

Lately I've noticed I've been receiving a lot of blog traffic from a website I didn't recognize. And then yesterday, would you believe, I received this note....

Good afternoon!

(We) are delighted to inform you that you have been nominated for a 2010 BlogLuxe Award! Congratulations - you deserve it! ......Good luck! Even though there are only two winners per category....we're crossing our fingers for ALL of you! Thanks for being so amazing and creating such wonderful blogs!

Wow! The 2010 BlogLuxe Award is being presented in New York City right before one of the biggest Blogging Conferences of the year. And my little *She Sparkles* blog was nominated in the Inspirational Blog category. Can you believe it??

(Thank you to whoever nominated me. You make me blush ~ smile!)

Hopefully you know me well enough by now to know that my greatest desire is to serve an audience of One. I am intentional about not using this blog to make a profit, toot my own horn, or serve my own agenda.

I'm just a simple girl who lived an extremely defeated life, sampled the "smorgasboard of life", nearly lost my life (literally!), and has now fallen head over heels in love with Jesus.

My greatest desire is to share Jesus, while having a BLAST with LIFE along the way! To be affirmed in this way (by being nominated for this award) is a special token of encouragement, and I am grateful.

And...to think that this voting process could lead others to my blog makes me smile from ear to ear!! If you are here for the first time, WELCOME!!

I hope you'll check out my testimony (here) or some of my favorite posts (here, here, or here). I am so glad you stopped by!

And, dear bloggy friends, if you have been inspired at all by *She Sparkles* and would like to vote, I would love your help. There's no monetary prize to be won, just recognition for a job well done. You can click on the link below and vote here...

Once you click on the link, scroll down to the Inspiration category and check *She Sparkles*. You will be sent an e-mail to finalize and confirm your entry. You can vote once per day until July 12th if you'd like. What fun! :)

Most importantly, please know the friendships and encouragement I have received from YOU ~ dear friends ~ has made the *She Sparkles* experience so much fun!! You inspire me to look for JOY in the midst of my everyday "life as a mom" living. And that's the greatest award of all!!

Thanks for stopping by *She Sparkles*!! May your day be filled with God's richest blessings!!!

P.S. How will you celebrate the 4th of July this year? I look forward to this holiday all year long!! For tomorrow's post I'll share my 4th of July Family Fun ideas! I'd love to hear your plans as well!!

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