Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Thankful Thursday ~ Top 5

Hello dear Bloggy friends! Is it Thursday already?? Wow! It's been such a full week! I'm exhausted today (anybody else??)...but filled with such gratitude and joy!

I couldn't decide on one thing to share for Thankful, instead...

Here's my Thankful Thursday Top 5 list! :)

1. I'm healthy! My family is healthy!! Woo Hoo!! This makes me want to jump for Joy!! :)

2. I'm thankful to have the opportunity to share at the upcoming A Women Inspired "One Marriage" on-line conference this coming May 10th -12th!

God has done such a miracle in my marriage ~ and I'm humbled and grateful for the chance to share a message of hope at this conference. (I'm also grateful to have 5 tickets to giveaway ~ watch for more details soon!). Until then, you can go here for more information on this exciting Marriage Conference!

3. I'm so grateful for our Magnificent Monday Bible Study!

This past Monday night wrapped up our winter session. I'm so thankful to have the opportunity to journey with these amazing ladies!

We ended the night with an exercise similar to the “cardboard testimonies
” (maybe you did this at your church before??). We had the women write a lie they came to the study believing, and then a Truth on the other side of their card. At closing, we all stood in a circle and read our cards aloud. To see 70+ beautiful daughters of the King share such painful hurtful lies (like ugly, stupid, rejected, weak, fat, failure, etc.) was almost too much for my heart to bear!

BUT PRAISE HIM for TRUTH and ITS ability to set us FREE!! Many, many tears were shared. God was at work in our midst, of this I am sure!!! What a powerful night!

(We'll be starting a new Spring session Monday, April 12th - Monday, May 10th. If you live in the Grand Rapids area, we would love to have you join us! Please feel free to contact me for more information!)

4. I'm thankful for the transformation God has done in my life!

Tuesday evening I had the chance to share my story with some dear ladies from 4th Reformed Church at their annual Spring "Tea & Tables". What a blessing!

I am so grateful to the Lord for redeeming my life from the pit and giving me a firm place to stand and for the new song He has given me! (If you've not heard my story, a recap is here.)

Thanks, Leslie, for being such a wonderful hostess! :)

5. Rest & Renewal

I love having the opportunity to share God's Truth, goodness, and faithfulness with others ~ but today I am thankful my schedule is free for the next few weeks.

My commitment to my famiy is that I will only be gone one night per week (Monday nights). Unfortunately, this week I was gone 2 nights, and this is what I found in my little Sarah's bed the next morning....

She had gone to bed with my picture next to her pillow!! Talk about breaking my heart!

I'm thankful that for the next few weeks I can rest, hang out with my family, put away my snowmen and pull out our Easter decorations, and just "hang out" (and do some intense studying/praying while everyone is at school). I'm also thankful to serve a God who cares about our "whole being" ~ physically, emotionally, and spiritually...and leads us beside quiet waters to restore our soul!!!

What about for you, friend?? What are you Thankful for Today?? I'd love to hear from you!!!

I'm also thanking God for YOU and asking Him to bless you and fill your life with His inexpressible, glorious joy!!

Blessings to you!!

P.S. A huge note of thanks to Laurie
for hosting Thankful Thursday!

P.S.S. The winner of the Start Here book is Jennifer from Zaankalis Adventures. Congratulations! :)


  1. Cindy, Thank you for all of this post. Yes, I am very exhausted, and also full of gratitude.
    Again, I really enjoyed all of this!

  2. If I am posting twice here, please forgive me. It appears I had your site up all night and I am not sure if I shared with you or not. Apparently multitasking was not so successful yesterday. :)

    That photo of you family is cute, cute, cute. And how cool is that about your upcoming speaking. I went tot he sight and checked it out. Looks cool!

    And I loved hearing about your Bible study group, that is near and dear to my heart. It is so powerful hearing those testimonies!

    Thanks for sharing and blessing. :)

  3. Beautiful message...

    Yes, sleeping with her Mommy's photo is definitely a heart breaker (smile) but you enjoy your rest and family time over the next few weeks. That's important.

    Loved the photos and I'll have to read your story my friend.

    You blessed me at the Get Revived Conference and I'm sure the LORD will use you to bless at the Marriage conference.

    Love and hugs.

  4. Just finished reading your powerful testimony! Nothing like the saving grace of Jesus Christ!!! Awesome!! I'm rejoicing with you!

  5. this is a great list....I feel so thankful too...thankful for His touch...His grace...His mercy...His forgiveness...His peace...His gentle touch..Sarah
