Monday, March 29, 2010

Marriage Mondays: Marriage Conference Tickets GIVEAWAY

Today I am thrilled to join my dear bloggy friend Julie from Come Have A Peace for Marriage Mondays! In fact, I've also guest posted over at her place today, so please stop by and say hello to one of my dearest bloggy friends! :) (You can hop over to Julie's here)

It's Marriage Monday ~ Woo Hoo!! :) As I've mentioned before, please know I am not a marriage expert. I'm just a girl who loves Jesus and wants to follow Him and His Word in all areas of my life. I've been so blessed with a wonderful Godly husband and desire to love and serve him all the days of my life! :)

John and I have been on quite an adventure in our marriage. This August we will celebrate 10 years together ~ yippee! :) But please know, over the past decade, we have experienced quite a "ride:...filled with twists and turns and highs and lows. In fact, a few years ago, we found ourselves at a spot that I didn't think we would/could make it through. Unfortunately, the dreaded "D" word (yes, divorce) entered my vocabulary.

(You can read more of that part of our journey over at Julie's place today).

Thankfully, God has breathed new life into our marriage. With God's divine intervention and a ton of support from our family, friends, and church, our marriage is in a very healthy place today (Thank You, God!).

Imagine my surprise when God started to open doors for me to share our marriage journey with others. First it was 1:1 encouragement to other women. Soon I was sharing a message of hope in hard times at MOPS gatherings. And now, most recently, I've been asked to speak at A Woman Inspired - One Marriage on-line conference this May (details here).

(On a side note ~ I had the joy of participating in my first on-line conference a few weeks ago, and it was amazing!! It's just like listening to your favorite speakers on-line, but you get to interact with them as well. PLUS, the on-line fellowship is so much fun! If you haven't tried an on-line conference yet, please give it a try! SO MUCH FUN!)

And guess what?? I have 5 tickets to GIVEAWAY so that 5 bloggy friends can participate in the on-line Marriage Conference for free!! Woo Hoo!!

I'm also desperately trying to think of a title for my talk ~ so I thought I would combine the two, because I really need your help!! I am the WORST at thinking of creative titles. Can you please assist me??

I am sensing that my talk will include...

* The visual of Marriage being like a roller coaster
* Our journey from brokenness to healing
* Jesus :)

Are there other questions you have about marriage that you would like to have answered?? Do you have any other ideas for me to share?? I'd love your insights!! ::)

So back to the GIVEAWAY...

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering one of these questions:

What would be a creative title for my marriage talk?

What question do you think I should answer during my talk?

What verse has helped you the most on your marriage journey?

RULES: Starts today, Monday, March 29th and ends Thursday, April 1st at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Friday, April 2nd.

If your email address is not connected to your ID, please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway".

I can't wait to hear from you!! Have a GREAT week!!

Thanks for stopping by * She Sparkles*! God's richest blessings to you! :)

P.S. If you didn't get a chance to read last week's Marriage post on Prayer, may I encourage you to check it out here. Prayer works, of this I am sure!! :)


  1. Hi Cindy :-) I've come via Julie's blog.

    Thank you so much for guest posting there today.

    I've never been to an online conference before. Sounds interesting.

    Philippians 4:8 - was the very first verse that I was told to study as a new believer. I was bitter and angry at my husband over having to move to Arizona (I shared a bit out this in my Marriage Monday post for today). As a new baby Christian my pastor's wife really impressed upon me to examine my marriage and the things that were happening on this verse and then to follow up with 1 Corinthians 13:4-8.

  2. My Name is Denise. I came to your blog from Theresa's Blog, Grace Like Rain. My husband and I have been married for 5 years. He is in the Army and has deployed to Iraq 2 years out of our 5 years of marriage. I am a christian and I am so in love with Christ. I wanted to answer one of your questions on your blog post today, "What question do you think I should answer during my talk?" My question is how can I encourage my husband to fall in love with Christ, and have the desire for Christ to live in his heart? I try to encourage my husband to come to church with my 3 girls and I, but a lot of times it turns into an argument and I go to church sad and depressed because my husband is not with us listening or being touched by/to God's Word.
    Thank you,
    Denise (

  3. I found your blog marriage mondays.
    I have been married 21 1/2 years. We have lived in 7 different places during that time. Marriage is an on going journey. The roller coaster ride is well worth the thrills and also the lulls to catch your breath.

  4. Cindy, I can't wait until May to hear you again. I already am set to go for the conference. However, one question I would like answered would be - during the down periods in your marriage how did you work through communication issues. This is something we struggle with.

  5. Would love to hear you speak on this girlie! A question I have is how have you seen your marriage grow and evolve from the early years to now raising older kids, your ministry,etc?
    Praying for a great conference!

  6. OK, dear Cindy, I think I've missed the deadline, but I'm so excited about your marriage talk and the online conference that I'm going to share my idea anyway. ;)

    How about "Hanging on for the Highs and Lows ~ Healing and Loving on the Marriage Ride" ????

    I would like to hear you address how you have helped John to become the best man he can be, while also pursuing your own interests and gifts.

    So glad you linked this to Marriage Mondays and so honored to have you guest post.
    Blessings to you, Cindy!
    ~ Julie
