Saturday, January 23, 2010

Warriors not wimps!

Happy Weekend to you!! As many of you know, I am waist high in a number of exciting projects right now. My mom and dad were so gracious and offered to take all 4 kids last night for a sleepover. I planned to finalize some details, pray, type like crazy, and put finishing touches on a number of different assignments. Woo Hoo!!

Imagine my surprise when yesterday afternoon I suddenly came down with a horrible headache. It was awful! Aspirin didn't work. A skinny vanilla latte didn't work. (I had to make sure it wasn't a caffeine headache, right ?!) In fact, the coffee just made me nauseous. John came home from work and found me stretched out on the floor in my office overwhelmed with pain. So much for my plans...

In my time of discouragement, I came across a commissioning statement tucked away in my Bible written by
Beth Moore. I saved it for days just like this.

I pulled out the commissioning statement and prayed it aloud in faith. Boy did it help! I stood to my feet and read it aloud again as a prayer for a fellow blogger from Tennesse. And today, dear ones, I am praying it for you...

My Dear Sister/Brother,
The God of Glory
Has called you.
You have a ministry.
In Christ, you are enough for that ministry.
Never forget that showing God off is your ministry.
No matter what,
Keep your heart in your ministry.
Unveil your face
And serve others with authenticity.
Always remember
That the power is in God's Presence.
Let nothing
Come between you
And intimacy with God.
Keep moving forward
From glory to glory.
Let God thin that veil.
Remember, ministry is not about position.
It's about people.
Let name after name
Be written on your heart.
Do not seek great things for yourself,
Seek a great God.
As you leave this place,
Go in a fresh anointing.
He who turns water into wine
Turns wimps into warriors.
You have a ministry.
Go fulfill it!! ~ Beth Moore

We are warriors not wimps!! Oh I needed that reminder!! How about you??

Well, I'm headed back to my office. I'm still feeling like I've been hit by a truck, but I'm wearing lipstick :) Somehow that makes me feel much better.

Have a fun-filled, life-giving weekend!!
Many blessings to you~

P.S. I had to miss my little guy's hockey game this morning due to feeling under the weather. I told Benj to score one for his sick mom. Just received a phone call that he had a 'hat trick' (3 goals!). Way to go Benj! :)

P.S.S. Beth Moore's commissioning statement came from her blog (I think) many years ago. Sorry I don't remember more details or I'd link you right to it.


  1. Cindy:
    I just hopped over here from Lisa's blog. I love your blog.

    I recently took a study with Beth, Priscila Shirey and Kay Arthur. It was incredible! I love Beth Moore too. She has been an amazing voice to women everywhere.

    I think your ladies will love the upcoming study of Jennifer Rothschild. My daughter in law is also starting that one.

    It's a small world among christians all over the land and it's so neat to have these 'blogging fellowships'...

    I'll be back to visit.



    P.S.... hope your headache is long gone!

  2. Cindy,

    Praying you will feel much better, soon. Yes, I have felt a bit like a wimp before. Thank you for the reminder....I am a warrior, not a wimp.

    Blessing, andrea

  3. Hope you're feeling better...hate to waste quiet time sick!
    I was just thinking about and praying this commission today...not quite as eloquently as Beth has stated it but the same idea ;) I love how God can unify His people like that.

    Feel better!

  4. OH wow - thank you for sharing that statement! It so encouraged me! I am archiving that one!

    Great post!

  5. You Go Girl! This is a good word! We are well equipped warriors at that!

  6. You go girl! We are well equipped warriors at that!
