Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Mailbag Question: Prayer Resources

Hey friends!! I received the following Mailbag Question today...

Hi Cindy,
On your blog, awhile back, I pulled off a list of ways to pray for your husband, and one for the children. I had them printed, but in my organization lost them—is that possible? Haha! Anyway, I didn’t see a search button on your blog, do you remember which post it was in and could you let me know?

Thanks! C.S.

Dear C.S. :)
You have a good memory! My Prayer Focus month was in July of 2009. For a quick review of the original post, you can click here. I've also put new Prayer Resource links at the bottom of today's post. And remember...
When men work, men work
but when men pray....God works!!!

Prayer Downloads for You...

A Prayer for Women by John Piper (click here). I love praying this aloud ~ this is the woman I desire to be!!

Prayers for Spiritual Growth by Joyce Meyer (click here).
May I encourage you to tape this to your refrigerator and pray it for yourself and your loved ones each day!!

31 Biblical Virtues to Pray for Your Children (click here).

31 Days of Praying for Your Husband (click here)

Intercessory Prayer for the Lost by Dutch Sheets (click here)

I've been looking for a great resource to lift up the crisis in Haiti each day in prayer. Clearly we need to pray for many miracles for Haiti and its precious people. If you come across a resource, prayer calendar, or want to make one to share, please let me know. I'd love to pass it along!

Do you have any prayer resources that you have found helpful? Books that have encouraged you on your prayer journey? Stories of answered prayer?? Share with us please!!

I'll close with one of my favorite quotes on prayer...

"When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When she stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When she stops praying, the devil shouts for joy. "
~ Corrie Ten Boom

Let's stay on our knees praying!! Prayer is the work!!
And may the Lord bless you with a fresh measure of His presence and His peace!

P.S. Speaking of prayer, I am knee deep in a number of significant writing/speaking opportunities. If the Lord brings me to mind, would you mind praying? I am asking God to prepare the hearts of the women, to know specifically what He wants me to say to each of the gatherings, and for health and protection for me and my family. I would be so grateful! How can I pray for you?? :)


  1. Thank you so much Cindy! I misplaced it a couple weeks ago, after I promised to make a copy for a friend. So, now we will both be using it again.

  2. Thank you for all of these links. I will check them out.

  3. I will be totally be praying for your ministry assignments!! I pray He sparkles through you, sister.

    I have used the Power of a Praying Wife/Parent. I just copy the table of contents. there are 30 chapters and pray one topic each day. Thanks for the reminder I should dig that out again =) Love, love, love the quote:When men work, men work
    but when men pray....God works!!!

  4. Will definitely lift you up. Would appreciate your prayers back for me. I am also working on some opps for teaching/writing, one of which includes pulling together our next women's ministry newsletter focused on prayer ... so great timing on your post. Thank you Cindy! Blessings on you today.

    - Julie

  5. Hi Cindy,

    It's Wendy Blight. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I LOVE the name of your blog. You have a heart for prayer and that makes us kindred spirits. Praying now for your ministry assignments as well and praying with Lisa that He will "sparkle" through you!!!



  6. YES precious friend, I will pray for you!!! May God richly bless you for following Him in obedience as you share His Good News!

  7. Hi Cindy,

    I am so happy that you came to visit my blog. This way I have found your great blog. I especially LOVE this post. I am now a follower and can't wait to read more.

    I am on my own journey at the moment. I am learning to read and really study my Bible. I want to get closer to God, and great blogs like yours helps me so much.

    Thank You!
