Friday, January 8, 2010

Weekly Random Dozen ~ 1st of 2010!

Happy Friday to you!! I'm participating in the Weekly Random Dozen again this week. It's been a FULL week for us with school back in session, so I thought a little "randomness" would be a fun break. Hope you enjoy!! :)

1. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being a cranky-baby-hissy-fitter, how much of a complainer are you?

I really try not to complain much at all. This is hard for me to answer. I'll ask John and share what he says. (He says I'm a 2, if that ~ whew!).
2. When someone else is talking, do you listen, or are you thinking about what you're going to say in response?

I'll be honest, if it's my kids, I'm probably 3/4 listening (and the other 1/4 thinking about our schedule, what's for dinner, etc..). I'm also working on this. I want my kids to have 100% of my attention. (Maybe next week I'll share my new "after school idea" to help in this area. It's helped a lot!)

As for adults, I'm listening. Pretty fully and completely. I might be thinking of how I can pray for this person, or if there is an encouraging word I might be able to share with them ~ but I really try to be 100% fully present with them.

3. I just deleted 1062 messages from my email account. Do you have any plans for a clean sweep this month--of anything?

I am planning a pretty clean sweep of my mind!! It's time to clear out all the clutter and misbeliefs in there! My girlfriend and I are working on memorizing a whole book of Scripture to fill up the space.
4. Tell us about your perfume. Was it a gift? What does it remind you of? Do you have a signature scent?

When John and I were getting married, I received Victoria's Secret "Pear" as a wedding gift. He loves it. So, that's all I wear. If I try anything different, he knows and doesn't like it. So I stick with Pear ~ the spray, the sparkly powder, the lotion, etc.. I've got it all. It's a simple way to make John happy! :)

5. What is your best organizing tip for the new year?

At first I thought this was a hard question...but now I know! I organize all of my different holiday stuff with holiday bins. I have a different bin for all of them ~ New Years, Valentine's Day, St. Pat's, 4th of July, etc.. That way, I can put the left over napkins, confetti, etc.. in the bin and it's ready to go for the next Celebration! I've had friends come over just to check out my holiday bins. Nothing special...but keeps the Celebrations easier to plan.

6. What is your favorite comic strip?
My husband John is a huge comic strip fan. I'm not. I might peek at Baby Blues, but that's about it. John, however, reads them all (my son Benj too!)

7. Do you sleep with a fluffy or flat pillow?

I sleep with two, long thick pillows.

8. What color is your kitchen? Why did you choose that color?

Our kitchen is a "tealish/aqua" kind of color. (I forget what it's officially called). We picked it with the help of our friend Allison. When we moved into our house last year, she helped pick colors for all of the rooms in our whole house. I just love color, so we picked lots of purple, and teals and more, and then had every room painted! My basement storage room is bright orange! :)

9. What’s the most interesting bumper sticker you’ve seen?

Not sure. What's the most interesting bumper sticker you've seen???

10. Do you prefer an expensive writing tool or whatever is lying around? (Are you a Montblanc or a Papermate?)
I am particular about my writing tools. My favorite is a black Uniball pen (is that what it's called??). Anyway, I love them! They're not super expensive. I get them from Staples with my ink cartridge refunds. (Is this too much information?!)

11. What chore doesn’t feel like a chore – you just enjoy it (at least most of the time)?
Feeding my kids and all their friends. I love it! In our new home, we have a counter in our dining room that we use for all kinds of fun stuff ~ taco bar, make your own ice cream sundaes, build your own sub, etc.. I love it when Jake and his high school buddies come over to eat. And usually my little ones have a friend or two here also. The more the merrier, I say!

12. If your parents often repeated themselves, what is something one of them said more than once?

Not sure. I should have listened to them much more than I did!! :)

And now, dear bloggy friends, I am headed out for an over-night all by myself!! I have quite a full teaching/speaking schedule in the next few weeks, so John has given me the night off to pray, study, and prepare. Woo Hoo!!

I "'ed" a hotel in the area. And would you believe...the hotel that was picked SHARES a parking lot with Starbucks. Yippee!! Is God good or what???! :)

Have a super, fun-filled weekend!! I'll be back on-line on Monday!!

Many blessings to you!!

P.S. Thanks again, to Linda, from 2nd Cup of Coffee for hosting the Random Dozen! :)


  1. This was so fun to read and to learn more about you! I have to try that perfume because I love pears!!!

    Please enjoy your evening alone with our wonderful God!!!

  2. Now are you really going to prepare or are you going to try every latte at Starbucks? :) Hope you have a nice relaxing time in pray and preparation.

  3. Ok, this was a fun post! I love that about the hotel with the Starbucks & the quiet time with God to prepare for His assignments. Awesome! Thank you so much for adding my button! I am trying to figure out why I can't add anything on my template - I don't have any "add a gadget" bars left, so I am working on that b/c I want to be able to get into some button adding fun!!! I just emailed my blog designer to get this tweaked b/c I don't understand it! Enjoy your weekend!!!
