Saturday, January 30, 2010

Groundhog's Day Family Fun & Random Updates :)

Happy Weekend to you!! I hope you've had a fantastic, fun-filled week! :)

Tuesday morning I had the chance to share at SisterTime, a local Mom's group in the area. The women were very kind, passionate, and a ton of fun! What a fantastic morning! :)

During my message, I talk about "parenting within your personality" and discovering (or re-discovering) what brings you JOY! (More information here). It's always a blessing to ponder how God has uniquely designed each one of us, and the different activities and hobbies that bring JOY to our lives.

For me personally, I love to celebrate. I love "marking moments", making ordinary days "extraordinary", and finding simple ways to brighten up our everyday lives. I truly believe, "Life should not just lived, it should be celebrated!". It's just how God made me ~ and I love it!

Thus, the reason I am thrilled February is almost here!! Valentine's Day is one of my all-time favorite holidays! Plus, I've been waiting 4 years to have another "Let the Games Begin" party (for the start of the Olympics). I have two special family member's birthdays to celebrate! Our new Magnificent Monday Bible Study starts on February 8th (Woo Hoo!).

And, let us not forget, this Tuesday, February 2nd....Groundhog's Day. :)

Now please know, I really don't care if the Groundhog sees his shadow. I can never remember "which" means "what" anyway (shadow/no shadow, 6 weeks of winter ~ you know what I mean)! Who cares. :) We just started having Groundhog's Day parties a few years ago just for the FUN of it ~ and you know what, we have a ball!

How can you resist a cute little cupcake like this?? (Recipe here)

At the party, we also like to look on the internet to see if the Groundhog saw his shadow. Again, we know Who decides how many weeks of winter are left, but the kids get a kick out of watching the news report.

And what party would be complete without crafts? You can get some great ideas here or here.

Unfortunately we'll be celebrating a day early this year, our "Terrific Tuesday's" are filled with ballet, hockey, and gymnastics. (I like fun ~ but I'm not crazy). We'll just have the cupcakes ready to go for Tuesday!

What about for you?? Anything special you'll be celebrating this February?? I'd love to hear from you!

Thanks for stopping by She Sparkles! Have a super, JOY-filled weekend!!

Many blessings to you~

P.S. A few weeks ago, my little Benj said, "I know Mom, today should be "Sing along Saturday" ~ and we proceeded to sing songs the rest of the day! I love it!!


  1. You are way too fun. I can remember being jealous of you way back in high school and even now (I know, I'm pathetic). You just have a way of making everything seem soooooooooo special. I bet you could cheer up anyone!

  2. cute cupcake. Happy Friday Follow - Rita @

  3. Following you from Friday follow please come back and do the same thanks! Sort of funny because I have been saying my life feels like groundhog day recently! VERY cute!

  4. Cindy... Please stop by & pick up an award I have for you!

  5. Cindy the cupcakes are just too cute. I really look forward to following your beautiful blog!

    I am a new follower from FF. Please come by and follow back. I am doing some great giveaways. Sorry I am a bit late at doing this, but better late than never. I look forward to following your blog and getting to know you better. Have a good week. Juliana from A Blonde Walks Into A Blog!

  6. Hi a late Friday Follow but, I'm here.

    I love your blog and I am following you on twitter also

    Have a good one
