Friday, December 4, 2009

Snow Day, Giveaway Winners, & More! :)

This morning I woke up to a beautiful Winter Wonderland! (this pic is my view from my dining room table!). We had no snow at 6:00 last night and now this! Amazing! :)

Of course, I had my day planned out to the minute today ~ haircut, Starbucks with a friend, prayer/prep for tomorrow's speaking engagement, hot lunch & recess duty, etc...~ but that plan just went out the window!! Instead I will look for and enjoy Plan B...whatever that may be!

So while the kids are out building snow forts, here is a Weekly Recap and Giveaway Announcements! :)

Monday I had the chance to re-connect with my friend and author, Shauna Niequist (The picture was taken by Sarah, my 5 year old, thus the weird angle :) )

The winners of Shauna's book Cold Tangerines are:

1. Diane Walker

2. Courtney @ Women Living Well

3. Jenny C.

4. Elisa @ Extravagant Grace

Also, the winner of my Kids Book Giveaway from Zonderkidz is Jennifer Knapp! Jen and her family are in the process of adopting a beautiful little girl from Ethiopia. (You can read more about their journey here.) I get goose bumps thinking about Jen and big sister Sahara reading to Ayantu "You are safe! You are loved!" Enjoy the new books, Knapp Family! :)

A huge thank you to all who entered! :) If you are a winner, please send me your mailing information and I will get the books out to you soon! :)

And lastly, just to prove I am in the Christmas spirit (even though I still have pilgrims on my snow covered porch) are some pics from a beautiful Christmas Candlelight I attended last night at Sunshine Church!

A huge thank you to Camy for creating such a beautiful table for us and baking such wonderful treats!!

Our table was hosted by my dear friend Mary Lucas (center) and my "date" was my mom (in red). What fun! :)

It was so fun to see so many Bible Study friends! Here I am with my dear sister in the Lord Diane!

And lastly, tomorrow morning (Saturday, December 5th) I have the opportunity to share at Brookside Church's Tour of Tables. If the Lord brings me to mind, would you please pray for this event. They are expecting 500-550 women ~ and I would love to lift the morning up in prayer from start to finish! (I'll be sharing from 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM Michigan time). May the Lord give me everything I need to serve these precious women well!!! I'll keep you posted!
Well, the kids are in and asking for hot chocolate!! The snow day continues!! What do you have planned for this weekend?? I'd love to hear from you!!!
May the Lord bless you with a fresh measure of His peace and His presence!! Enjoy your day!!
In Him,


  1. Beautiful snowy view! We may get some snow here in the deep south poor kids are begging for snow. Glad to have found your blog.



  2. Great blog. I look forward to keeping up with it. I hope you come by and check mine out sometime.

  3. Praying for snow here, tomorrow.
    Blessings, andrea

  4. Congrats to the winners! I hope you have a wonderful, receptive audience tomorrow☺

  5. My weekend: laundry, decorating for Christmas and preparing for the snow storm of the century :)
    The natives tend to freak out when snow is in the forecast around these parts. Should be interesting watching everyone scramble to the grocery store to stock up on milk and toilet paper.

    Love your blog. Praying over your morning as you prepare to minister to women's hearts. Such fun.
    Blessings and Kindest Regards.

  6. Cindy, just wanted you to know I was prompted to pray for you earlier this morning. That the women there today will tune into your talk, that you will sow the seeds the Lord wants you to and harvest those He has ready for harvest.

  7. Beautiful winter wonderland! Cindy I'm praying for you this morning!! Also, how fun to get a random update on the Knapp family. I've known Brian for about 20 yrs. Haven't seen or talked to them in a loooong time. Jen, if you're reading this... congrats on your adoption, I'll pray all goes smoothly! :-)

  8. We had a great Saturday morning with a tiny bit of snow :) and the women of our church met to wrap gifts for the women of two shelters we are ministering to. It was a sweet time well spent. Pray your morning at Brookside was rich!

  9. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! I am so pumped! I never win anything! For the first having the prize be these books is amazing! Thank you so much Cindy and Zondervan! What a huge blessing. We can't wait to share the story of love and hope in Jesus with Ayantu!

    All our love.


  10. Wow! We had a little bit of snow
    a couple of days ago and it melted.
    :( This is Tee following from MBC!
    You can follow me here:

    and here:

  11. What a beautiful blog. Ahhh snow days. New follower from mbc - come by and visit me

  12. Yippee! I am so glad I won! Email me at extragrace at gmail dot com and I will send you my mailing address!

