Friday, November 27, 2009

My Friend & Author Shauna Niequist & GIVEAWAY :)

If you haven't had a chance to sign up for my Kids Book GIVEAWAY, please join the fun! (Click here for more information). You have until Tuesday, November 30th to enter. :)

Today I am thrilled to introduce you to my friend and author of Cold Tangerines, Shauna Niequist. :)

When I first met Shauna in 2003, my life was "full" to say the least! I was 9 months pregnant with Amanda, wife to John and mom to Jake and Benj, as well as overseeing a children's ministry of 2700+ kids and 1000 volunteers. Whew! I'm tired just thinking about life back then!

Shauna's husband joined the church staff where I was serving, and Shauna and I became fast friends. She was going through an emotional season of change (moving from Chicago to Grand Rapids, MI), at the same time I was adjusting to another new baby, while working full time. Shauna and I spent many hours sharing, hoping, crying, and adjusting to our "new normal". Her friendship was a very special gift during an extremely challenging season.

As friends do, Shauna and I would talk out our hopes and plans for the future. We both shared a similar dream of writing a book. For me, I desired sharing my story and God's transformational work in my life with others. And for Shauna, she dreamed of writing a book of essays on life and celebration and so much more.

I can still remember when Shauna e-mailed me her first essay to read. (I still have it!). It was obvious that God had given Shauna a special gift with words and writing. It was no surprise (to us anyway!) when Shauna signed her first book deal. And I cried tears of joy when I held her first book, Cold Tangerines in my hands!! Her dream had become a reality!

Although our paths don't connect like they used to (I stopped working at the church, and Shauna and her family have since moved back to Chicago), I love watching God use Shauna and Cold Tangerines! Shauna is inspiring others all across the nation to celebrate their everyday life. And when I heard she was coming to town for a book signing this month, I couldn't resist...I had to share Cold Tangerines with you, my dear readers and friends!! You will love it!!

Here's how Zondervan describes Cold Tangerines:

Cold Tangerines is a collection of stories that celebrate the extraordinary moments hidden in our everyday lives. It is about God, and about life, and about the thousands of daily ways in which an awareness of God changes and infuses everything. It is about spiritual life, and about all the things that we have called nonspiritual life that might be spiritual after all. It is the snapshots of a young woman making peace with herself and her life, and trying to craft a life that captures the energy and exuberance we long for in the midst of the fear and regret and envy we all carry with us. It is both a voice of challenge and song of comfort, calling us upward to the best possible life, and giving us room To breathe, to rest, to break down and break through. Cold Tangerines offers bright and varied glimpses of hope and redemption, in and among the heartbreak And boredom and broken glass.

Sounds like an awesome book, doesn't it?? Trust me ~ it is!!

And guess what?! The amazing group at Zondervan are giving me 4 copies to give away! Woo Hoo!! I'll have Shauna sign them on Monday night while she is in town, and send them out to 4 different winners next week!! What fun!!!

Before we get to the GIVEAWAY, a couple more GREAT things for you:

Click Here to check out Shauna’s website. You will love her blog! Zondervan is also running a special on her books ~ perfect for Christmas ~ and she has all of the details listed on her website.

Also, if you live in the Grand Rapids area, come by the Woodland Mall Barnes & Noble to meet Shauna on Monday, November 30th at 5:30 PM. You will instantly love her!!

And now, for the GIVEAWAY of a copy of Cold Tangerines...

To Win my Giveaway: Leave a comment in the comment section answering this question:

Why would you like to win a copy of Cold Tangerines??

RULES: Starts today, Saturday, Nov 28th and ends Friday, December 4th at 9 PM. Winner will be posted on my blog on Saturday, December 5th.

If your email address is not connected to your ID please leave your email address with your comment or email it to me at with the subject "Giveaway". (If you have a hard time leaving a comment, e-mail me and I'll walk you through it.)

BONUS ENTRIES: Become a follower of my blog and leave a second comment for a bonus entry!

For fellow bloggers -blog about this giveaway and include a link back to this post or grab my button and then let me know in the comment section for another bonus entry!

And for tomorrow....check back...Shauna and I did a "Q & A" and I can't wait to share her responses and thoughts with you!!

Many Blessings!


  1. Please sign me up for the giveaway:)

    I just re-read the post about my stary! So fun.

  2. Cindy, wow "Cold Tangerines" sounds awesome - I'd love to have it as a great kick-off to a new year. Please enter me in your giveaway and God bless you! Thank you! Jenny C.

  3. Knowing about your friendship behind the book release adds to the beauty! What a blessing for Shauna to have a friend to cheer along her pen.

  4. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my blog the other day.

    I would love to win a copy of this book...sounds fun.
    my email:

    Happy Christmas!
