Friday, October 2, 2009

Five Question Friday!

Wow! Where did the week go?! :)

Now that my 4 kids are in school (almost full-time), I always smile when someone asks what I do with "all of my free time"!

My week was filled with hockey practices, JV football, ballet, field trips, lots of homework, many minutes of reading with kids, PTO baking, lunch duty, Bible study (woo hoo!), preparing for upcoming talks, recess duty, plus...not to mention a horrible cold and sore throat!
Ahhh! I need another nap!

Tonight I stumbled across a cute blog called My Little Life that hosts Five Question Friday! What fun! Here goes...

October 2nd Questions:

1. What is your favorite ABBA song?
I don't know too many ABBA songs! I would have to pick "Dancing Queen" since it's the only ABBA song I know. I used to roller skate to Dancing Queen a lot when I was little!

2. The thing you love most about fall is...the beautiful colors, jumping in leaves with my kids, Honeycrisp apples, hot cider, fall decor ~ so many things! My favorite would be our Family Tradition of taking a hay ride and enjoying donuts and cider together afterwards!

3. What store you would love to spend to heart's desire (money is no object)? Party City! I love to CELEBRATE and every time I go to Party City, I'm convinced I must throw another Party! In fact, tomorrow we are having a Michigan/Michigan State football party ~ just because the football decorations there all looked so fun!! :)

4. What is your favorite snack food? Chips and salsa, for sure! Best when paired with a nice, cold Diet Coke! (I'm giving up pop for the month of October though, so I need to move on....)

5. What was your first car? My first car was a blue Ford escort. I purchased it new when I graduated from college in 1993 (thanks to my Grandma Stille).

A fun God story...When John and I were getting married, we didn't need my blue car anymore. I sensed we were supposed to give it away to someone in need. John wasn't too sure about giving it away at first (esp. when it was still in good, resellable condition), but after praying about it, he quickly changed his mind. John knew a single mom from church who was struggling financially, so he called her to see if she could use a car.

Would you believe her car had recently died, and she had just asked her small group to start praying about transportation for her and her son?! Isn't God awesome??

John, Jake and I went to deliver the car to her, and I took her for a ride before handing her the keys. I reminded her that God would always take car of her and her son, and anytime she doubted His care and provision, to just remember this car!! It was such an awesome day!!

The next day I was called into my boss' office at work. (I worked at church and the associate pastor was my boss). The Associate Pastor wanted me to know the Elders were grateful for my hard work and wanted to give me a $7,000 raise!! Woo Hoo!! A coincidence?? I don't think so!! God is good...all the time!!!

Hope you enjoyed my first Five Question Friday! Hop on over to My Little Life and join the fun!
Many blessings to you!! :)


  1. Oh I LOVE hay rides. And the car thing..that is awesome. Obedience is always a good thing, eh? Makes me wonder why we struggle with it so much...LOL Enjoyed the visit...

  2. I got all teary eyed reading this! Wow!!!!

  3. Oh, Cindy!! What a great story! I had goosebumps when reading that! I'm so glad you "stumbled" upon my blog...'cuz I got to find that amazing story on yours!! Thanks!

  4. I enjoyed getting to know you better! We share the same favorite snack. Chips and Salsa! I hope you like jalepenos!

  5. Isn't it crazy how busy we are no matter how old the kids get? Enjoyed the five questions too =)

  6. What a fantastic story, Cindy! When we returned from the mission field, someone gave us a car, and it was a beautiful story of obedience, sacrifice, and provision. We were so blessed, but I think that the givers were even blessed beyond what we experienced.
