Wednesday, September 16, 2009

More than Enough

Monday was the start of our new Fall Bible Study (or Magnificent Monday' I like to call it!!)

God brought over 60 of the most beautiful, fun, caring ladies to our group ~ and I am so excited to see what He has in store for us this fall!!
I think Monday's are going to be "Red Hot"! (In case you weren't at Bible study, more about that later....) But for today, I'm exhausted!!

Instead, I'd like to share words that have really ministered to me. On Monday afternoon I was feeling anxious about sharing my testimony that evening (and the lies/fears that come my way when I have this opportunity).

My dear friend sent part of her daily devotion to me, and it really encouraged me. May it bless you as well...

"Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life" (John 4:14).
Jesus knows that we hunger and thirst for more than this world can offer. He created us this way so that we would be in constant fellowship with Him.

When Jesus saw a great multitude of 4,000 who had followed Him for three days, He did not want them to leave hungry and was moved with compassion for them. There were only "seven loaves and a few little fish". BUT, it says that they "all ate and were filled" AND afterwards, "they took up seven large baskets full of the fragments that were left" (Matthew 15:32-38).
There was more than enough! There was even some left over. This is what He wants to do for us. He moves with compassion for us. Daily, and moment by moment, we can call upon Him for more.

Jesus always had more than enough. Jesus was overflowing because He was in constant fellowship with His Heavenly Father. He said He did nothing on His own initiative, but only did what He saw His Father doing (John 14:10). We can walk through life in this same way.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say that we should be famished, full of disorder, filled with negative thoughts, and live a dreary life. Jesus says in Luke 11:13 that our Heavenly Father gives the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. It's true! Let us seek our God who lavishes His love upon us by giving us access to the Holy Spirit, just as Jesus had.

Let us be imitators of Christ Jesus. How? By the power of the Holy Spirit. Are you thirsty? Do you long for more? James 4:2 says, "You do not have because you do not ask." Call upon Him. He hears your cry. Ask God for more of Himself today. (By Brigitte Straub)

Let's pray...Oh God, THANK YOU that You are a God of more than enough!! Would You please fill the empty places of our hearts with more of You?? Would You please infuse us afresh with Your Spirit? Would You please encourage us and strengthen us and fill us to overflowing? THANK YOU that You alone, Lord, are all that we need! Help us to live Red Hot for You !! In Jesus Powerful Name. Amen :)
P.S. Are you in a Bible Study that is starting this month?? I'd love to hear more about it!


  1. Starting a new study tonight with a group in my home.

    May Jesus shine in our lives!

  2. Loved this post! The Bible study I'm a part of starts up tomorrow evening and I'm looking so forward to it.

  3. Sigh.. I need to get into a Bible study. However, I am really enjoying my prayer guide. I am going crazy trying to find pics and stuff to put in it!

  4. This is so funny! I can't figure out how to post on your site!
    I just wanted to say that I'm starting the Vantage Point 3 leadership study tonight:) I will figure out technology, I will figure out technology, I will figure out technology! "I can do ALL things through Christ!"

  5. I can NOT imagine you being afraid to share your testimony. No doubt you were used in a powerful way!

  6. This blessed me as well. I am teaching One on One with God It is an amazing discipleship study!
