Monday, September 21, 2009

Family Fun Idea ~ Letterboxing!

If you've been looking for a fun, family adventure, I have the perfect idea for you ~ Letterboxing!

Regardless of where you live, how old you are, and/or the age of your children (or even if you don't have children) ~ Letterboxing is a ton of fun, educational and free! You can't beat it!

Here are some pictures from our Letterboxing Adventure this past Sunday...

Top picture ~ the happy Adventurers ready to begin! (Jake was with a friend watching football.)

Below ~ Daddy helping read the compass. Good thing Benj just learned his N,E,S,W directions (Never Eat Soggy Wheat) in class last week!

Below....the Letterboxers are closer to finding the hidden treasure!

Benj found it!! (Although I think Amanda ~ smiling behind the tree ~ is happier than Benj is!)

And the happy Mom and Dad resting while the kids play at the park! Another beautiful Sunday!

Ready to give Letterboxing a try?? Here's what you'll need:
Access to a computer
Rubber Stamp
Ink pad
Bag to store your supplies ~ (We keep everything in our pink "Letterboxing" Barbie backpack)
Bug Spray (Little Sarah got 10 mosquito bites on Sunday!)

After you've gathered your supplies, go to Here you'll find everything you need to know about letterboxing and more!

As we ended our day Sunday night and shared highlights, we all agreed Letterboxing was a great way to spend our afternoon. The weather was beautiful. The sibling fights were minimal. We didn't spend any money. It was a GREAT family day!

What about for you?? What are some fun, family things that you like to do together?? Share with us please! :)

Let's pray....Thank You, God, for the gift of our families. Thank You for the beauty of time spent together. Lord, would You protect our time from the distractions of this world? Would You remind us to take time to rest in You? Also, please give us fun, fresh new ways to enjoy each other's company (especially for moms like me who has kids that like to fight and whine when they are bored!). Thank You Lord for our health and our strength and for the joy that is found in LIFE in YOU! In Jesus Name. Amen.

P.S. If you live near Grand Rapids, Michigan, we just found the Pad-dler's Prize hidden at Lakeside Park in Caledonia this past Sunday. It'd be a great first Letterboxing Adventure to try!


  1. That sounds exactly like geocaching! I have only done it a couple times but will get back into when my babies are older. Too fun!

  2. Cindy-
    I haven't visited your blog for awhile, nor written on mine:( I really like the new look of it. It's so fun and bubbly, just like you!
