Thursday, July 2, 2009

Random Updates and the Swimsuit Saga

First of all, I'm sorry to those who have noticed I'm not updating my blog very often lately. I'm trying to get into a good "summer rhythm", which will probably mean a post or two a week while my gang is at home.

In my former cheerleading days, I learned a cheer that went like this...
"Good! Better! Best! We'll put you to the test!
Because Good we are and Better we'll be!
Good! Better! Best!!"

I'm trying to use this simple cheer to help me prioritize my summer schedule. What is Good? What is Better? What is Best?? I can easily confuse my priorities. For this season, I sense strongly that one of the BEST things I can do (besides staying close to Jesus and loving my husband well) is pour into my kids and spend lots of time playing with them. Unfortunately they don't nap anymore (bummer!!) my computer time is very limited! I do love sharing what God is teaching me and how awesome He please don't give up on my blog yet :)

And now for the swimsuit update. You may recall that I hate swimsuit season! (I bared my soul about this topic here.) In so many areas of my life, I am experiencing God's victory and "promise land living", but bathing suit season brings out my every fear and insecurity. Until this week, I hadn't been in a bathing suit since April 2008!

So, the other day I decided I would face my fears and take my kids to the pool. I was PRAYING like crazy about it all morning (Please, Lord, please don't let me see anyone I know...please). Of course, before I am out of the parking lot, I see a friend who comments that she thinks about me everytime she puts on her bathing suit (so she must read my blog and know my "issue" embarassing) And as I head into the pool area, a lady yells "Hey Bible Study lady!". Great, I'm thinking...this is going to be a great day, God....

The kids and I stayed at the pool until nearly closing time. My kids had a blast ~ going down the slides, splashing and swiming, being kids. And would you know...I survived. Nobody teased me. Called me a bad name. Made a funny comment to me. I made it!

Isn't it crazy how our fears can become so irrational and huge - and almost paralyzing?! And not until we step out into those areas of fear...out of our safety and comfort zone...can we see things more clearly. And Truthfully.

Like why in the world when I am nearly 40 years old do I still think someone is going to tease or reject me. Where does this all come from?? And, most importantly, how in the world do I move forward??

As I spent time praying about it later that evening, I rememembered something I recently learned in a Bible Study that was eye opening for me. Kelly Minter, in her book No other gods shares, "Satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells us the TRUTH".

Remembering that simple statement was like an "AHA" light bulb moment for me!!
Yes, it is true I was teased as a little girl for being "the chubby cousin".
Yes, it is true, I am not a size 6 (or an 8 anymore).
Yes, it is true, I have given birth to 4 children.
Yes, I'm not comfortable in a bathing suit. Yes, those things are true.

But the TRUTH is that I am beautiful and accepted by God....just the way that I am!!
The TRUTH is that God delights in me!!
The TRUTH is that I am secure, significant, set apart in Christ!
The TRUTH is that I am dearly loved by the Lord God Almighty! Woo Hoo!!

"Satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells us the TRUTH".

Kelly Minter shares..."Let that sink in for a minute. For example, if you're currently struggling with your finances, you might think something along these lines...I don't have enough money to pay my bills; I'm going to lose everything. It might be true that you don't have enough money to pay your bills, but the TRUTH is that God will take care of your every need (Matt. 6:25-30).

I think this is what we see in Genesis 3. Satan spoke a lot of true things, yet none of it was the TRUTH! This is where deception can play such a huge role in our lives. Though we all have succumbed to believing bold-faced lies, my hunch is that we have far more often been captivated by sheer deception."

Aha!! Satan tries to deceive us by telling us what may be true...but he never tells us the TRUTH! True vs. TRUTH. How about for you?? Are there areas of your life where the enemy is trying to deceive you? Is he filling your mind with things that may be true...but are not God's TRUTH??

May the Lord reveal to you ANYTHING that is getting in the way of experiencing all of the FULLNESS and FREEDOM that He has for you!!!

And if you see me at the pool this summer ~ please feel free to say Hi!! A good friend helped me reframe my pool experience from the other day. When I said, "Obviously God wasn't listening to my prayers on the way to the pool. Everywhere I looked there were people I knew". My dear friend challenged me and said, "What if Dana in the parking lot, and Rachel from Bible study, and the other people you knew at the pool were actually reminders from God Himself that you were not alone?? That He was with you." Hmmm....sounds just like Him, doesn't it?!

Let's pray...Oh Lord, THANK YOU that Your Word says TRUTH will set us free. Please, Lord, set us free from any fear, lie, habit, attitude, addiction that is getting in the way of the full LIFE that You have for us. Eradicate any unhealthy roots. Plant seeds of Truth. For Your Purpose. For Your Glory Alone! Amen :)

P.S. The picture is for my friends that still don't believe I put on a bathing suit. Watch out ~ by the end of the summer, I might be going down the slide!!! :)


  1. Powerful post! Especially the line satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells the TRUTH. I'll be thinking on that one for days.

    By the way, you look great in your suit.

    ~ Wendy

  2. I don't think I've been in a bathing suit since I was in junior high school. We have a pool and I won't even put one on at my own house. Hmmm...maybe I need to read your post on why you hate swimsuit season.

  3. You are so precious -- and beautiful.

    I thank GOD for your willingness to share about this topic.

    Great post.
