Thursday, July 16, 2009

Prayer Focus Part 2 - My Life Changing Prayer

As I've been preparing for my blog's Prayer Focus Week, I sensed the importance to start by sharing part of my journey. I want to make sure EVERYONE realizes I am not an expert in prayer, that I have SO MUCH to learn, and once you hear my story, you will see why I depend so heavily on prayer! Our God is such a God of miracles ~ I know...because I'm one of them!!

So today I continue my journey.... (If you missed Part 1, you may want to start here)

Now when Carole said I needed Jesus, I knew I needed something to fill that emptiness in my heart. I had tried everything else the world had to offer...and was still empty and lonely.

I figured...what did I have to lose by trying Jesus??

So on that day, July 21, 1996 I choose to believe in Jesus and surrendered my life to Him. My life changing prayer went like this..."OK Jesus, I’ve tried it my way, this time I’ll try it Your way."

I didn’t waste anytime trying to figure out what this whole new life with Jesus was about ---
I quit my restaurant job, left all my "so-called" friends, got into Christian counseling, and started attending a Bible-teaching church.

I began to study the Bible, and put into practice what I was learning. All those empty places inside were suddenly being filled with God’s peace and God’s hope. Even my backpack of guilt and shame (due to all the poor, self-defeating choices I had made) fell off!

God also began to show me through His Word my real identity. Who I was in Christ. That my past choices did not define me!! It didn't matter what people said about me....only what God says about me! And God says that in Christ...I am accepted. Adopted. Forgiven. Chosen. Dearly and lavishly loved by Him...just the way that I am!

It’s amazing and mind blowing to see what the Lord can and will do when we give our lives wholeheartedly to Him. In the months that followed my decision to accept Jesus as my Savior, God brought incredible amounts of healing into my life, including......

* I started getting plugged in at my new Bible teaching church and met a wonderful group of Christian friends. Suddenly I was experiencing the friendship and acceptance I had always desired.

* The Lord provided a great job for me, coordinating a program for teen moms and their kids at a Christian organization.

* I was invited to different elementary schools and churches, talking about positive self esteem and staying drug and alcohol free.

And would you believe just 2 1/2 years after I invited Jesus to take control of my life, I was offered a full-time job as the Children’s Director for a very large church. (Me, working at a church...crazy, I know!)

Isn't God amazing??!! Tomorrow I'll share more on how God answered my prayers as a single mom and provided a Godly husband for me (and an amazing step-dad for Jake!)


Today's Prayer Downloads are to help you pray for persons you know who are far from Christ.

Trust me, there is no one too far gone! I am so grateful for the men and women who prayed me into the Kingdom. (Thank you, JJ, for all of your prayers and notes while I was living in rebellion ~ and not giving up on me! I still have all of your letters!)

When Someone You Love is Lost by Kevin Meador (click here)

Scripture Prayer for the Lost by Kingdom Praying (click here)

Intercessory Prayer for the Lost by Dutch Sheets (click here)

As always, I'd love to hear from you!! Do you have any comments, questions, or great prayer stories? Please share them with us!!

Thank you for sharing my journey with me. :) God is good!


  1. Oh my goodness! Would you believe I gave my life to Christ in July of 1996 too! It was just after I found out about my son's dwarfism. God is so good!

    I really enjoyed the reflection of your journey. I can't wait to read more!

  2. I am amazed reading what God has done in your life, Cindy, and so appreciate the prayer resources. Thanks for being so willing to be open and to share what you've learned along the way.

  3. Sarah,
    Thank you for your kind words and the beautiful post on your blog! I'm so GRATEFUL our paths have crossed! Looking forward to sitting down over a Starbucks - I mean lemonade - and sharing what God is doing in our lives! Blessings to you and your ministry!!

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