Friday, June 5, 2009

Whatya lookin' at??

In January we started the challenging of memorizing Scripture verses from A to Z. This week we are at the "L" verse already! (You can read more about Scripture Memory "ABC Style" here.) Whether you joined us in January, are hearing about this challenge for the first time, or have never memorized a verse in your life, may I encourage you to memorize this "L" verse with us. God's Word is so powerful and effective! And this verse will transform our thinking!!

But first, I must ask the question...whatya been lookin' at this week??

In my own life, it is so easy for me to fix my eyes on all the challenges surrounding me. Endless To-Do lists. Piles of dishes and laundry and school work. Fighting kids. Weeds to be pulled. A dog that won't stop barking. A garage stuffed with boxes. Bills to be paid. Everywhere I look there's a mess than needs cleaning or a pile that needs sorting. And everything in me wants to run for cover (or at least to the nearest Starbucks!).

Thus the reason I love Hebrews 12:2...our "L" verse.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith"

The word "fix" comes from the original Hebrew word aphorao. The word signifies "undivided attention", "looking away from all distratctions in order to fix one's gaze on one object". Aphorao in Hebrews 12:2 is having eyes for nothing but Jesus!

Rather than fixing my eyes on my challenges or my circumstances or my insecurities or my fears...the Word of God is instructing me to FIX MY EYES ON JESUS. As I turn my gaze from the temporary trials that surround me, and look Up to the One who loves me so, I receive His strength and His grace for the task set before me.

Each one of us have a choice. Where will our eyes be fixed?? Will we turn towards all that seeks to distract us?

Or will we look unto Jesus? Receive His grace. Acknowledge our need for His wisdom and His strength. Lean on His goodness. Look to Him alone.

Whatya been lookin' at?? Your relationship challenges. Your husband that just won't change. Tasks you want to accomplish. Your kids' messes. Worries that are weighing you down.

Or is your head tilted back, nose to the ceiling, eyes turned away from all other things and firmly fixed on Jesus the One and Only?!

May I encourage you today to fix your eyes on Jesus alone. Give Him your circumstances and challenges. And watch what He will do!!

Let's pray...Oh Lord, how we desperately need You! There are so many things that seek to distract us from You. Help us to give You our undivided attention! May we turn our eyes from lesser things and look for You in all things. Empower us Lord to live for You! For Your Glory alone! In Jesus powerful Name. Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Amen, amen, and AMEN! You backed up my pastor's sermon tody. Okay, Lord...twice in one day. I need to marinate on this (smile).
