Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me :)

This picture is from my birthday in 2007.

25 Random Things about Me

1. Qdoba is my favorite restaurant. I could eat their fresh salsa every day.

2. For my first date with my husband John we went rollerblading.

3. Growing up, I always wanted to be a Dallas Cowboy Cheerleader or a teacher.

4. My dad attended Purdue University when I was little ~ so I lived in the student housing there in Lafayette, Indiana.

5. I loved being an RA (Resident Assistant) at Michigan State.

6. My first job was at the Quad Movie Theater.

7. I love being a mom :)

8. I spent Easter 2002 in the Sahara Desert. We stayed in a refugee camp (cockroaches and all).

9. My mom is the hardest working, most giving woman I have ever met.

10. I lived in Kokomo Indiana from the 4th - 6th grade. I still keep in touch with my best friend from those years (JJ Stutzman-Landis). I can't believe she's put up with me all of these years! :)

11. In August of 2003, I officiated a wedding. (I hope they are still married!)

12. I love to CELEBRATE! Especially with colorful table cloths and lots of confetti!

13. I usually read about 4 books at a time. Currently I am reading...Different Child/Different Needs, Discerning the Voice of God by Priscilla Shirer, How to Hear from God by Joyce Meyer, the Dunamis Project, and more!

14. I still go to Starbucks more than I should. My drink of choice - a skinny vanilla latte, extra hot, no foam (usually decaf, but not always).

15. I cook dinner every night. I would have never thought I would enjoy it ~ but I do. (Except tonight we did order pizza).

16. I had the opportunity to pass out Samaritans Purse Shoeboxes in Cairo, Egypt in 2003. It was absolutely lifechanging.

17. I gave my life to Jesus Christ in July 1996. My life has not been the same since (Praise the Lord!)

18. I am passionate about....Jesus, the Bible, praying, living fully, celebrating life, and being the best wife and mom I can be.

19. I dream of writing a book someday.

20. My son Jake is much taller than me now. He's only 14. I have to stand on my tip toes to give him a good night kiss.

21. Did I mention I love being a mom???

22. I could spend all day at Schuler Bookstore studying the Bible. Next to my home, it is my favorite place to be.

23. My life verse is Jeremiah 29:11. Someday I'd love to share with you how God used that verse to change my life.

24. My husband and I are exact opposites ~ but I couldn't imagine anyone else in the whole wide world I'd rather be married to. God is the perfect match maker!

25. My hope is to point people to Jesus with everything that I think, say, and do. He is my life.

I feel blessed that you stopped by my blog and made it through all 25 Things!

I am praying for you ~ may your day be filled with much love, celebration, and fun!

I'm off to go celebrate!! :)


  1. Happy Birthday! You failed to mention you attended school at Purdue even if it was pre-kindergarten. I'm very proud of you. Dad :~)

  2. I hope you had a fabulous Birthday! - Jen

  3. Reading your list, I realized we have a lot in common (if you happen to stop by my blog, check out my book list on the left side. :D ).

    I enjoyed reading about you and Mexican food ROCKS!
    ~ Wendy

  4. Hey you! Just sending a hug your way!! :) And giving praise today to the Lord for the awesome gift of our friendship! Happy Birthday again!!
    You are loved!!!
