Thursday, April 23, 2009

Our Friend Margo

A few years ago, our family decided we’d have lunch at Wendy’s every Sunday after church. After a few weeks, we noticed the same woman worked the drive thru every Sunday. Now it wasn’t hard for us to pick up on this – this woman – who we now know is named Margo – had a deep smokers voice, glasses that she wore down her nose, and a front gold tooth. Not to mention she was easily confused and a little bit grumpy. OK, so maybe a lot grumpy. In fact, some of my family members (I won’t name names) started to call her Grumpy. As we’d pull up to the drive thru, they’d say, “Oh no – look who’s working today”. So I said, “What if we started to pray for her??” The family’s response was something like, “Ugghhh” – but we all agreed to pray for Margo, and pray that God would use us to show her what He is like.

Soon we started dining inside of Wendy’s each Sunday – and Margo started coming over to our booth to visit with us. We started to become friends. In fact, I can remember the first time we weren’t going to be there the next week (John and I were going away to Mackinac Island) and Margo said, “Be sure to bring me pictures”. Sure enough, the next Sunday – Mother’s Day – we went to Wendy’s for lunch so we could visit with Margo and show her our pictures.

Somehow, one Sunday, in one of our conversations, we mentioned the gym we belong to. She said, “Oh man, that one with all the pools and that huge water slide. I’ve dreamed about going swimming there.” So the next week, we brought in a week’s membership pass for Margo, and invited her to spend the day at the pool with us. What a blast that was – listening to Margo on the phone calling her sister saying, “Girlfriend, you’ll never guess where I am” – and watching her go down the water slide – screaming like a school girl – enjoying every bit of it – not a grumpy bone in sight.

You know, it was such a blessing to watch my family love on Margo – make pictures for her, laugh with her, do life with her. Our friends started coming to Wendy’s with us after church – and they would love on Margo too. My guess is that she probably started receiving more hugs at Wendy’s than she’s ever had in her whole life. We learned of some of Margo’s financial needs and asked our community of friends if they would like to bless her. Anonymously Margo started receiving gas gift cards, and grocery gift cards to help fill in that financial gap. When Margo’s car broke down and she needed a ride home – she called us – we were her new family.

One night I was having a home party, and the Spirit of God said, “invite Margo”. I’ll be honest – I wrestled with that one. "God, it's one thing to go visit her or give her a ride, but to invite her into my home, with all my friends..." I was soon convicted of my pride – and that night, at my home, one of my dear friends led Margo to the Lord and she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior.

It was so fun to watch God work in Margo’s life. She began attending church with us. I was asked to lead a children’s Bible club each Tuesday morning. I knew I was supposed to take the job – and someone else was to join me. You know who, right? Margo! Each Tuesday morning , my girls and I would pick up Margo, and she would go help at the Bible Club with us. Margo was making $10 an hour to learn basic Bible Truths and sing fun Bible songs. Isn’t God awesome?? I’ll never forget one of our crafts – On a sheet of paper I typed "God Loves Me" at the bottom, and then I took a photo of each of the kids, had them glue it on, and then decorate it. Margo, of course, as one of the helpers, had to make one too. She was so proud of her craft – and for the next few months – every time I went to Margo’s – there it hung proudly on her refrigerator. God loves Margo.

You know, life can be hard – and this is definitely true for Margo. Our paths don’t cross like they used to – unfortunately she was let go from Wendy’s, and has had a hard time finding steady employment ever since. I did run into her just a few months ago in the produce section at Meijers, of all places. What a blessing to be the arms and mouthpiece of God – give her a big hug - and remind her of that simple truth that God loves her so very much, and we do too.

What a gift to know that God chose our family, my small group, and my dear friend that led Margo to the Lord – that God chose us and gave us a very important job to do – in the midst of just living our everyday life - to show his dearly loved child Margo what He is like.

Let's pray: Dear God, Thank You for chosing us to reflect You…Your love, Your kindness, Your goodness…to this lost and hurting world. Please give us the eyes to see those all around us who could use a touch from You. Use us, O Lord, to advance Your Kingdom, one precious person at a time. In Jesus' Powerful Name Amen

P.S. Margo has given me permission to share her story. We love you, Margo!! :)


  1. Cindy, Thanks for making me cry! A great story!! Showing Jesus to people is so simiple; we just have ways of compicating things.

    You sure have lots of interesting things happening at Meijers. Didn't you meet your JCP friend there too?


  2. Okay, I love that I spelled "simple" and "complicating" wrong. :) Yikes! JJ

  3. You are so inspiring Cindy! I just read your story (stories) and they're amazing!

    Sheryl Boorsma
    a/k/a Owen's Boorsma's Mom
