Tuesday, April 14, 2009

"H" verse

If you are following along with our Scripture Memory "ABC" style, here is the "H" verse. :)

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!" 1 John 3:1

Even if you've not been memorizing the verses with us "ABC" style, may I challenge you to memorize this verse! Put it on a note card, on your bath room mirror, in your car, anywhere else you might see this verse and reflect on it during the day. As you commit this verse to memory, please let the Truth sink in. You, dear one, are LAVISHLY LOVED by your Heavenly Father.

Regardless of what you've done.

Regardless of where you've been.

Regardless of how you feel.

Regardless of what they said to you.

God LOVES you.

He loves you and calls you His very own child! Just the way that you are!


Let's pray: Dear God, THANK YOU for your lavish, unconditional love! Help us to live our lives as your dearly loved children. For anyone who feels unloved, insignificant, or not good enough ~ would you please remove those lies and fill their heart and mind with Truth!! And Lord, as we receive and live out of the lavish love You have for us, may we love those around us well.
For Your Glory alone. Amen :)

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