Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Joy to My Soul!

In my last post, I mentioned I was going to have the opportunity to share my testimony today at a luncheon for Hearts in Step Ministry. The title of the Luncheon was "He Brings JOY to My Soul". I've been looking forward to this day for months ~ and was excited to share how God has replaced my emptiness with His fullness of JOY!

But you'll never believe what happenend yesterday! I woke up with a horrible head cold and NO VOICE! NO VOICE! I couldn't believe it! I immediately called my dear friend who recommended I gargle with echinacea. (I should mention that she didn't even recognize me when I called her!) I was so desperate I would try anything ~ so I drank Immunity Boosting Tea (I won't mention what Jake & John say the tea smells like), I ate vegetable soup, took lots of Vitamin C ~ but most importantly, I summoned a group of prayer warriors and asked them to pray like crazy!!

What a blessing to have a group of women go before the Throne on my behalf! I spent most of the day on the couch (feeling like I had been hit by a truck) and begging the Lord to empower me and heal me quickly!!

This morning I woke up and didn't feel much better. My voice was mostly a squeak, and I was sneezing in groups of 5 and 6 sneezes at a time! I was sniffling like crazy, and felt like a disaster. The Luncheon started at 11:00 AM - but I knew these dear prayer warriors would pray me through!!

Would you believe that once I arrived at the Country Club where the Luncheon was held, I did not sneeze one time. No cough. Nothing. My voice was strong for my time of sharing (30 minutes!). My friends that were there commented that you would never know I was sick (or that I felt so bad). PRAISE THE LORD! It was truly a miracle! (I had stocked the podium with Kleenexes and cough drops and ice water - and I didn't have to use anything). Woo Hoo!

Once I started to share, God took over ~ I forgot how lousy I felt and was blessed to share my story. God's presence was definitely with us. The whole Hearts in Step program was beautiful! It was such a wonderful experience! (And then my girls went to grandma's and I went back to bed for 3 hours!)

What did I learn?? That with God NOTHING is impossible! That prayer works! That there is an enemy who really has come to steal and kill and destroy. That we have ALL the POWER we need for ALL the challenges we face! And that we need one another! What a blessing to know that while I was stretched out on the couch yesterday, I had women all over the country going to work on their knees on my behalf. I am humbled and blessed by their support and encouragement!!!

If you have not heard my testimony, please let me know. I'd love to share with you how God took a shy, insecure girl who made many mistakes and self defeating choices, and filled my emptiness and loneliness with His love and His peace and His joy!! There is NOTHING He cannot do! Trust me! Our God is a God of miracles ~ I know because I'm one of them - and I experienced one today!!

What about for you...are you faced with a challenge that seems impossible? Are you feeling empty or lonely or like you've been hit by a truck? May I encourage you to invite some friends along on the journey, and go forward in prayer. Prayerful lives are powerful lives! Let's allow God to have His way in us and then stand back and watch what He will do!!!

Let's pray: O God, how we thank You that You are in control of all things! We acknowledge that life can be hard, that our challenges are real, and that there is a battle going on in the heavenlies. We Thank You God that we have Victory in You! That nothing is too hard for You! That you bring people along to journey with us and encourage us along the way. Use us, O Lord, to make a difference in this world, for Your Name's Sake! Not to us, Lord, but to Your Name be ALL of the Glory!! In the Name of Jesus - our Savior and Redeemer - AMEN!


  1. Amen Girl! You truly are a miracle work of God, and his Glory shines through you! I am sooo happy today is done and it went well. YEAH! - Jen

  2. This is powerful! I know it's an old post but it's a FRESH WORD my friend! I'm traveling tomorrow to gIRL Gathering and my right knee (which has arthritis in it) has flared and is very painful but I'M GOING because I've been praying and my hubby has and I believe GOD has a miracle in store!

    Love you!
