Thursday, March 12, 2009

Thankful Thursday

I'm tired instead of thinking about all of the things that I need to do ~ I'm reflecting on the many blessings God has brought into my life! I'm so grateful for LIFE in His Name, my kids, our wonderful family (that all live so close by), my amazing friends, great schools, our dog Rocky (even if he does like to sleep in our bed), the ability to share my passion for Jesus with other women at Sunshine Church, our health ~ I could go on and on!

Today my heart is especially full of gratitude for my husband John! He is one in a million ~ and only the Lord could put two people exactly opposite together and make it work! I was thinking today of everything that John does for our family - he is so helpful around the house (he even does all our laundry and ironing!) and is such an AMAZING dad! But mostly today I am reflecting not on what John "does", but who he "is"! His character - John is such a man of integrity and Godly character. I love how he stands for Truth ~ always! I love his heart for the world. I am grateful for his patience with me and with our kids. I appreciate his support ~ especially with my desire to share God's Word. (It's not uncommon for John to give me nights off or days away ~ whatever I need to give my best for the opportunities the Lord sends my way.) I am grateful for John's wisdom and for his love!

Yes, I am so thankful for John and that God would hand pick me to be his wife! Is our marriage perfect? No. But are we committed to doing whatever it takes to pursue the oneness God has for us - Yes! :) I'm grateful for the hills and the valleys we've experienced in our marriage ~ which have helped us grow closer to the Lord and to each other. I'm thankful for the gift God has given to me in my wonderful husband John!

What are you thankful for today??

"Every good and perfect gift is from above..." James 1:17

Dear God, Help us to stop and reflect on the many blessings You have given to us. In the midst of our busy, full days - may we see Your goodness and Your gifts all around us. We praise You!
In Jesus Name. Amen :)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Cindy. I love when people talk about the good they see in their husbands. Too often, women gripe and complain about their annoying husbands. You are one blessed woman!! JJ
