Tuesday, March 3, 2009

About Cindy

Cindy Bultema loves the Lord, loves life, loves her family, and loves to celebrate!

Her sparkling personality will draw you close and hold you while she teaches and inspires you to live and walk in the super-abundance God has for you. Cindy is honest and real, exposing her own trials to create a bridge for her audience between pain and Godly potential.

Above all, Cindy is a woman who loves Jesus, and with prayer and the truth of God’s Word, passionately desires to encourage women to realize the fullness of life in Christ. You will love her compassionate heart as she testifies to Christ’s unconditional love and faithfulness that redeems our lives for His glory, regardless of who we are or what we’ve done.

Cindy attended Michigan State University where she earned a degree in Psychology. Her previous work experiences include working for Bethany Christian Services with adolescent sexual offenders, developing and supervising a transitional housing program for homeless teen moms and their kids, as well as coordinating a state licensed child care program.

In 1999, Cindy was hired as the founding Director of Children’s Ministries at a Grand Rapids area mega-church, leading the transition from being a one person department to overseeing 12 staff, equipping 1,000 volunteers, and ministering to 2,700 kids every weekend. Her picture and personal testimony have been featured in Believe magazine. She is a sought after MOPS speaker often asked to speak in local churches, schools and Mom’s groups.

Cindy would say, “I am passionate about others knowing the life that Christ offers. Whether it’s my family, my friends, or even fast-food workers, I love sharing how awesome God is with anyone/everyone who will listen!” When you meet Cindy, her warm and sunny smile will give away the fact that it is the joy of the Lord that compels her to celebrate life!

Cindy lives in West Michigan with her husband John and their children Jake, Benjamin, Amanda and Sarah. Her number one ministry is that of wife and mom. Cindy is very intentional about creating a home/family life full of love, warmth, beauty and belonging.

When she’s not running a full household, you can find Cindy attending/leading/facilitating a small group with other women, going for a power walk, attending one of their children’s sports events, meeting friends for coffee, going on a school field trip, or doing her Bible study in a local bookstore. They are also active in their home church, Ada Bible Church.