Thursday, January 1, 2009

ABC Memory Verses

On January 1, 2009 ~ a group of men, women, and children all across the United States accepted the challenge to memorize 26 new verses in 2009 ~ ABC style. (For more details on how the ABC Verse idea started, click here)

Here are the ABC Scripture verses we are memorizing:

A - Above all else.... Proverbs 4:23
B - Be joyful always... 1 Thes 5:16-18
C - Commit to the Lord... Proverbs 16:3
D - Do not let any unwholesome talk... Ephesians 4:29
E - Every good and perfect gift... James 1:17
F - Find rest O my soul... Psalm 62:5
G - Give thanks to the Lord... Psalm 105:1
H - How great is the love...1 John 3:1
I - I am the Alpha and the Omega...Rev 1:8
J - Jesus answered, I am the Way and the Truth and the Life...John 14:6
K - Keep your lives free from the love of money... Hebrews 13:5
L - Let us fix our eyes on Jesus...Hebrews 12:2
M - May the words of my mouth...Psalm 19:14 (NIrV)
N - Not to us...Psalm 115:1
O - Open my eyes...Psalm 119:18
P- Peace I leave with you...John 14:27
Q - Be Quick to listen...James 1:19b
R - Rejoice in the Lord...Phil 4:4
S - Set you mind...Col 3:2
T - The Name of the Lord...Proverbs 18:10
U - Until now you have not...John 16:24
V - Victory rests with the Lord...Proverbs 21:31
W - What good is it ...Mark 8:36
X - eXalt the Lord our God...Psalm 99:5
Y - You shall have no other gods...Exodus 20:3
Z - Zealous always for the fear...Proberbs 23:17

Happy Memorizing~